2024年11月30日,国产成人自拍-成人美女自拍 建筑学硕士英文项目(EPMA)的师生在朱宁老师的带领下,前往威卢克斯中国总部参观。这座位于华北地区的Active House示范建筑,是威卢克斯公司在低碳与可持续建筑领域的标杆之作。
On November 30, 2024, students and faculty from the English Program for Master in Architecture (EPMA) at Tsinghua University School of Architecture, led by Professor Zhu Ning, visited the Velux China Headquarters. The Active House demonstration building, located in North China, serves as a flagship project for Velux in the field of low-carbon and sustainable architecture.
Before the tour, Velux staff welcomed the group in the meeting room. During the session, they provided a brief overview of the company’s history, explained Velux’s core principles related to natural lighting, ventilation design, and green building practices, and engaged in enthusiastic discussions with the students. As a special gesture, Velux also prepared eco-friendly sketchbooks made from recyclable materials for each student, showcasing the company’s strong commitment to sustainability.
随后,师生们详细参观了办公楼及总部园区,并介绍了建筑设计如何通过Active House理念实现自然采光与通风优化,提升使用者的健康与舒适性。在办公楼内部,师生们亲自体验了威卢克斯独具特色的天窗设计和自然光利用方式。办公区域内采用的绿色材料和能源节约技术,让同学们进一步认识到如何通过设计实践实现低碳环保目标。这些细节展示了威卢克斯如何通过系统化的设计策略推动环保与建筑使用需求的完美结合。
Following this, the group toured the office building and headquarters in detail, learning how the Active House principles are applied to optimize natural lighting and ventilation, enhancing user health and comfort. Inside the office building, the students had the opportunity to experience Velux's unique skylight designs and natural light utilization systems firsthand. The use of green materials and energy-saving technologies within the office space further highlighted how design can contribute to achieving low-carbon and environmentally friendly goals. These details demonstrated how Velux harmonizes environmental sustainability with the functional needs of buildings through a systematic design approach.
Beyond the office spaces, the students also visited Velux’s community farm and gym on the campus. These areas, which integrate technological solutions and clever use of natural resources, provide employees with comfortable and relaxing spaces, encouraging a healthy lifestyle. They meet the daily needs of the staff while also reflecting the company’s innovative application of environmental concepts and its focus on employee well-being.
Additionally, the group visited the "Future Ark" demonstration room and the "Life Source" zero-energy house located on the campus. The "Future Ark" serves as a space to showcase sustainable building solutions, combining intelligent control systems with harmonious integration into the natural environment. The demonstration room utilizes smart glass, photovoltaic panels, and natural ventilation systems to minimize energy consumption while providing a comfortable indoor environment. The smart glass automatically adjusts its transparency based on external lighting and temperature, ensuring stable indoor temperatures and efficient energy use.
The "Life Source" zero-energy house emphasizes extreme energy self-sufficiency and resource recycling. The house features highly optimized insulation materials and efficient solar panels, generating enough energy to fully supply the house with power, with almost no external energy input, achieving a zero-energy goal. This innovative design demonstrates Velux's efforts in advancing residential buildings toward energy independence and low-carbon living. It also highlighted to the students that green buildings are not only about reducing carbon emissions but also about the effective use and regeneration of resources.
This visit not only deepened the students’ understanding of green architecture and sustainable design principles but also provided them with valuable practical experience and inspiration for their future careers. During the tour, the students experienced the seamless integration of technology and design, as well as the profound impact of green buildings on the environment, health, and quality of life. The trip undoubtedly provided them with new perspectives and insights for their future research and creative endeavors, further igniting their passion for exploring future architectural designs and sustainable development.
2024年11月27日,国产成人自拍-成人美女自拍 建筑学硕士英文项目(EPMA)的学生们在轩兰荣老师和黄佳璇博士的带领下前往北京侨福芳草地购物中心,李晓东教授工作室和马町教授位于清华大学里的改造公寓参观。
On November 30, 2024, students from the English Program for Master in Architecture (EPMA) at Tsinghua University School of Architecture, led by Ms. Wendy and PHD student Ng Jia Xuan, visited the Beijing Parkview Green Fangcaodi Shopping Mall, Professor Li Xiaodong’s Atelier and Professor Martijn and Han’s renovated apartment in Tsinghua University.
The first stop was Beijing’s Parkview Green Fangcaodi, an innovative architectural complex that integrates office spaces, a shopping mall, an art center, and a hotel. Before the tour began, PHD student Ng Jia Xuan introduced us to the design concept of the shopping center. She explained that Parkview Green’s energy consumption is only 50% of buildings of similar size and that it is the first comprehensive commercial complex in China to receive LEED "Platinum" certification from the U.S. Green Building Council. Inside the shopping center, over 500 artworks, primarily sculptures, by artists such as Salvador Dalí, are on display.
The second stop, the students took a visit to Professor Li Xiaodong's personal studio located in the 751 Art District. Professor Li introduced the layout and design of his studio, demonstrating how a simple space can create an efficient working environment. This experience provided the students with a valuable practical example for their future space design projects.
第三站,同学们回到清华大学参观马町教授的改造公寓。令人惊叹的是,一个小公寓竟然能够被设计得如此高效。这个公寓面积不大,勉强能容纳20人,但却包含了客厅、一张大床、大型衣柜、厨房和冰箱、卫生间、阳台以及众多储物空间。公寓改造之后, 可谓麻雀虽小五脏俱全。
For the third visit, we were invited to Professor Martijn and Han’s renovated apartment in Tsing Hua University. It was fascinating that how a small apartment can be designed into such efficient spaces. The apartment is small and could barely fit 20 people but it accommodates a living room, a queen size bed, huge wardrobes, kitchen and a refrigerator, toilet, balcony and numerous storage areas.
According to Professor Martijn, it is said that storage in local Chinese culture is lacking and not paid much attention to. Thus, during the design process, small compartments were planned in detail, not only for massive storage but also to hide water filters, electric boxes, aquarium filters etc. It has inspired the students that with great research and planning, spaces can be small but complete in every detail to create a comfortable living environment.
This visit enriched the students' knowledge of sustainable design principles in space planning while offering them practical experience and inspiration for their future careers. It also fueled their enthusiasm for architectural innovation and sustainable development, equipping them with fresh perspectives and valuable insights to guide their research and creative endeavors.