2024年7月7日至11日,第十八届国际室内空气质量和气候大会(Indoor Air 2024) 在美国夏威夷檀香山召开。Indoor Air 2024是国际室内气候和空气质量学会(ISIAQ)的官方会议,是室内气候和空气质量及相关领域规模最大的国际学术会议。本次会议参会人员近千人,国产成人自拍-成人美女自拍 师生共30余人参加会议,据会议主办方发布的信息,清华大学是参会人数最多的单位。
国产成人自拍 参会师生与校友合影
会议期间,建筑技术科学系师生共计30余人次作了口头报告和墙报展示。其中,研究生做的口头报告有:高轶伦,On-surface tailoring coarse polymer fibers for efficient air filtration: Interfacial morphologies and electrostatic enhancement;宋子栋,Determination of Permeation Parameters for Dermal exposure to Endocrine-Disrupting Compounds in consumer products,吴依莉,Health Footprint of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in Consumer Products: A System-of-Systems Approach;袁慕枫,How to deploy sensors for IEQ monitoring in a large space? A case study of an airport terminal based on the quantitative optimization method;吴一凡,Indoor thermal environment improvement based on switchable radiation/convection-combined intermittent heating;杨可亲,Maximizing the net economic benefits of regulating indoor air quality in China。李思师,Thermal performance evaluation of four personal heating devices and occupant usage behaviour under three cold conditions;赵嘉琦,Applicability of skin temperature for thermal sensation recognition with varying clothing。