
2024年4月29日,国产成人自拍-成人美女自拍 建筑学硕士英文项目(EPMA)2023级同学结合课程教学,前往北京首钢园进行参观调研,实地了解首钢园区在冬奥会大事件带动下,实现全面转型发展的成功探索。

On 29 April 2024, students of the English Program for Master in Architecture (EPMA) 2023, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, in conjunction with their course teaching, visited Beijing Shougang Park for research, to learn on the ground about the successful exploration of Shougang Park's comprehensive transformation and development, driven by the Winter Olympics.
In 2005, Shougang Industrial Zone began its relocation and adjustment, and the park underwent overall transformation and development. With the protection of industrial heritage and the entry of the Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, the old factory area gradually transformed into a themed cultural park with steel industry cultural relics as its characteristic. The former "The Great Steel Wall" has now transformed into a large-scale industrial site ecological and cultural park, becoming an important symbol of Beijing's deep urban transformation.
Under the guidance of the teacher, the students followed Qunminghu Street and Xiuchi North Road to visit the ‘San Gao’ furnace, ‘Xi Shi’ silos, Ski Jumping Platform, Qunming Lake, North District Sixth Industrial Union, Shougang Skywalk, Shangri-la Hotel and other important places in Shougang Park.
In front of Xiuchi, the students carefully listened to the development process and planning explanation of Shougang Park. On the basis of respecting the current situation and mechanism, the Winter Olympics Square on the North utilized the original industrial materials of Shougang to weave, update and organize the office functions and traffic flow, while displaying a solemn sense of ceremony and a multicultural atmosphere.
Important nodes such as desulfurization workshop, coking plant, and blast furnace renovation, organized aerial pedestrian corridors relying on the current belt corridors and pipelines. Professor and students entered the art bookstore and cultural and creative space which are the renovation of the three blast furnaces, and experienced the authenticity preservation of industrial sites.
Along the skywalk, students looked out over Shijingshan mountain in the north and experienced the multi-compound organic coexistence system formed by natural landscape and ancient buildings, as well as industrial relics of the park. Surrounded by mountains and rivers, Shougang Park respects the original architecture and green space fabric, retained and transformed the coal cleaning workshop with a length of more than 200 meters, and connected the waterfront area where the ski jump platform is located with the landscape of the Yongding River ecological corridor, integrating into the urban system with an open attitude.
Shangri-la Hotel, renovated in Shougang Power Plant, innovatively interprets the integration of sustainability with steel and concrete. Some of the retained plant columns and other iconic components, with the contrast of old and new materials and spaces, continued the industrial beauty of the old Shougang.
This teaching activity aims to complete the existing teaching objectives and strengthen the cognition of international students in the development history of Beijing's urban construction.and the successful paths that Beijing has taken in exploring the topics of industrial transformation, sustainability and historical inheritance in the stock era.

Students’ feedback:

Ee Zian余子安(马来西亚):首钢之行给了我深刻的启发!老师的评论提供了宝贵的见解,使我对这个坐落在繁华的北京都市中的独特项目有了更深入的理解。亲身体验到这片工业区域如何在现代城市景观中蜕变为充满活力的文化中心,确实让我受益匪浅。这次经历不仅拓宽了我对城市发展的认识,也深深激发了我对塑造城市未来的创新努力的敬意。
Ee Zian ( Malaysia ) : The Shougang trip was greatly inspiring! The teacher's insightful commentary provided invaluable insights, deepening my understanding of this unique project nestled within the bustling metropolis of Beijing. Experiencing firsthand how this industrial area has transformed into a vibrant cultural hub amid the modern urban landscape was truly enlightening. This experience not only broadened my understanding of urban development but also instilled a deep sense of appreciation for the innovative endeavors shaping the future of our cities.
Kim Younwoo 金润宇(韩国):通过实际踏足首钢园区,在课堂上学习到的城市规划、工业遗产保护等内容都在这里得到了生动的验证与实践。站在厂房、锅炉和轨道旁,我感受到了工业建筑的独特的韵味与功能转化的可能性;而园区内部的文化创意产业则展现了城市更新与转型发展的成果。这次体验让我深信,通过实地考察,才能更好地理解课堂上的知识,将理论与实践相结合,才能更好地为城市的未来发展贡献力量。
Kim Younwoo ( South Korea ) : By actually stepping into the Shougang Park, the knowledge about urban planning and industrial heritage preservation that we learned in the class were vividly validated and practiced here. Standing beside the factories, boilers, and railways, I felt the unique charm of industrial architecture and the potential for functional transformation. Meanwhile, the cultural and creative industries within the park showcased the achievements of urban renewal and transformation. This experience deeply convinced me that only through field visits can we better understand the knowledge taught in the class. It is through integrating theory with practice that we can better contribute to the future development of cities.


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