2021年12月2日,北京时间晚21:00(美国东部早8:00),霍莉·费尔班克(Holly Fairbank)家藏资料捐赠仪式在线上举行。参与见证这一仪式的嘉宾包括:清华大学杨斌副校长;费正清、费慰梅之女霍莉·费尔班克女士,梁思成之女梁再冰女士,梁思成之孙于葵女士,校友代表奚树祥先生,波士顿美术馆策展人南希·波琳娜(Nancy Berliner)女士,校友代表、路易斯维尔大学赖德霖;国产成人自拍-成人美女自拍 原党委书记左川,院长张利,院党委书记张悦,副院长刘健,中国营造学社纪念馆馆长刘畅,副馆长王南,院助理教授荷雅丽等等。捐赠仪式由刘健教授主持。
December 2, 2021, was a very special day for the Tsinghua University School of Architecture: Holly Fairbank, Adjunct Professor at the Teacher Education Departments of Hunter College (CUNY) in New York and daughter of Liang Sicheng’s old friends and China-connoisseurs John and Wilma Fairbank, donated precious historical material about Liang and his wife, Lin Huiyin, to the School of Architecture. Tsinghua University Vice-President and Provost Yang Bin presided over the virtual ZOOM meeting that was held in English and chaired by the School of Architecture Vice-Dean Liu Jian. The School’s Dean Zhang Li, the School’s Faculty Council Chairman Zhang Yue, and the Director of the School’s Museum of the Society for Research in Chinese Architecture Liu Chang participated in the ceremony; also present were the Professor Emeritus Zuo Chuan and other faculty members (like Alexandra Harrer) as well as Wang Hui from the International Affairs Office of Tsinghua University. The Liang family was represented by Liang’s daughter Liang Zaibing and his granddaughter Karol Yu (Yu Kui). Among the distinguished guests were the two Tsinghua School of Architecture alumni Xi Shuxiang (class of 1952) and Lai Delin (class of 1980), and the Wu Tung Senior Curator at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts Nancy Berliner.
仪式首先由杨斌副校长致辞。杨斌副校长表示,梁家与费家之间的友谊不仅成为了历史中一段传奇,更是中美学术交流的宝贵财富。2021年是梁思成诞辰120周年,同时也是清华大学建校110周年、建筑国产成人自拍 建院75周年,国产成人自拍-成人美女自拍 与清华艺术博物馆合作策划了题为《栋梁》的纪念文献展,自8月10日开展至今,备受公众瞩目,已成为最具参观价值的展览之一。杨斌副校长随后回顾了梁思成与清华建筑的历史,并表达了能够与梁费两家年轻一代人结识的荣幸。
Yang Bin pointed to the historical significance of the year 2021 when Tsinghua University celebrated not only the 110th anniversary of its establishment and the 75th anniversary of the founding of the School of Architecture, but also the 120th anniversary of Liang Sicheng’s birth. In his honor, Tsinghua University staged a series of activities such as the Tsinghua Art Museum exhibition titled “Liang, the Overarching” that had drawn lots of attention since its opening on August 10.
Holly Fairbank then explained how she found the historical material by accident in her family’s home in New Hampshire. While emphasizing her and her sister’s willingness to make another donation in the future, she explained that this donation would consist of: eight volumes of the Journal of the Society for Research of Chinese Architecture (Zhongguo Yingzao Xueshe) that were published from 1933 to 1946 and included the very valuable, hard-to-find volume 7; several first editions of books written by the First and Second Generations of Chinese architectural historians; and three old photographs of the Fairbank couple with Lin Huiyin. Holly’s mother Wilma met Liang and Lin two months after her wedding with John in the 1930s; back then, Wilma was not aware that years of close friendship would lay ahead. To Holly, memorizing her mother meant memorizing the friendship between her family and the Liang family.
Holly Fairbank女士介绍捐赠内容
Next, Karol Yu spoke on behalf of her mother Liang Zaibing. The health condition did not yet allow her mother to visit the Liang exhibition, but she expressed her delight in the fact that Tsinghua honored her deceased father who had passed away almost half a century ago. And yet, for her, he would forever remain the humorous and energetic young man with black hair who endured many hardships especially during his wartime stay in Lizhuang, Yunnan province, while making a great contribution to the field of architecture and to Tsinghua.
其后,张利院长代表国产成人自拍-成人美女自拍 对费家与梁家表达了感激。张院长表示,在梁思成先生120周年诞辰这一特殊时间,正是追忆、学习、纪念梁先生的重要契机。梁费两个家族之间的交往,彰显了人与人之间的真诚、善良与友谊的光辉。费尔班克女士在此捐赠的资料,是对近现代建筑史研究贡献的珍贵一手资料。张院长最后强调,梁思成、林徽因与费正清、费慰梅作为学者对建筑的热忱与追求,仍不断启发着当代的建筑学人,激励着我们砥砺前行。
Zhang Li elaborated the significance of the Liang exhibition for the School of Architecture, and explained how the new donation would fit into this picture: the donation would not only serve to continue to honor the memory of Liang as the School’s founding father; it would also provide another opportunity to review and rethink the contribution of the two families who defined the first framework of the Chinese architectural discourse, upon which the current generation is still drawing. The books and photos would be a key addition to the School’s archives, providing prominent evidence from which students and scholars could extract their own identity and memory.
随后,由国产成人自拍-成人美女自拍 建筑历史与文物建筑保护研究所所长、中国营造学社纪念馆馆长刘畅教授为与会嘉宾“栋梁”展的情况以及中国营造学社纪念馆的文物保管状况进行了简要介绍。“栋梁”展的介绍包括了展厅形象、代表性实物展品与代表性文献手稿;文物保管情况包括了中国营造学社纪念馆新馆室内布局、馆藏情况,以及与故宫博物院合作建立的文物保护团队等内容。
Liu Chang further explained how the School’s Museum of the Society for Research in Chinese Architecture would preserve the books and photos just donated by the Fairbank family. The Society’s Museum is a new addition to the School of Architecture located on the second floor of the new school building and has two floors for exhibition and a third floor for conservation treatment. Just like the exhibition at the Tsinghua Art Museum, the School’s Society Museum also aims at educating a younger generation about Liang as an architect, historian, and educator and as a person. The Liang exhibition, for example, displays several objects that Liang collected as teaching tools while traveling through different provinces, including a lovely Han-dynasty clay pig.
接下来,在刘健教授的主持下,波琳娜女士与校友代表奚树祥先生、赖德霖教授分别发表了个人感言。波琳娜女士表示,费与梁林之间不仅建立了友谊的桥梁,更架起了文化交流的桥梁,这是最令她感到珍贵的,她期待未来还能够与中国同仁一起进行学术研究,延续费与梁的工作。奚树祥先生表示,曾做梁先生的助理的自己,在美国时也得到费教授的照顾和帮助,自己可谓是中美民间友谊的见证人,他在88岁时捐出了自己所有的财产,也正是为了鼓励下一代能够冲破政治的藩篱,将这种友谊延续下去。他认为费尔班克女士的捐赠同样具有这一重要意义。赖德霖教授表示,尽管自己并未有机会受到梁先生与林先生的直接教导,但他将他们视为自己的人生榜样,在参与整理编写《梁思成文集》的过程中受益颇多,并将这本著作一直带在身边。他感谢费尔班克女士曾接受自己的拜访,使自己得以有幸见到存放在菲利普图书馆(Philip Library)中珍藏的书信,这些也是梁费友情的重要见证。
This was followed by comments and feedback from other participants: First, Nancy Berliner who had been instrumental in helping sorting the donated material stressed her role as a mediator and connecting link between the Fairbank and Liang families and also between the American and Chinese cultures. She pointed to the fact that she, like many other American colleagues, would share the sadness of being separated from her/their friends with the two couples, back then because of the wartime and now because of the global pandemic; yet today, we would have the means to overcome the temporal and spatial obstacles and reunite virtually. Next, Xi Shuxiang explained the history of friendship between the two families as part of the two-hundred-year-long history of Sino-American civil relations that had started with the involvement of American church organizations in rural China. Xi, who had been Liang’s assistant from 1959 to 1961, went to the United States in the 1980s where he worked closely with Wilma on the publication of Liang’s book A Pictorial History of Chinese Architecture. At the age of 88, Xi further contributed to the bilateral friendship between the two countries, donating his wealth to establish the Liang-Fairbank study program at Tsinghua University School of Architecture. Finally, belonging to a younger generation than Xi, Lai Delin had never met Liang and Lin in person but continued the friendship between the two families through his academic work as a researcher of Chinese architectural historiography and professor at the University of Louisville Fine Arts Department. Lai worked as a translator and editor for Wilma and Holly, greatly contributing to the publication of many books on Liang.
最后,由费尔班克女士作结束致辞,再次表达了对此次活动的感动与感谢。刘健教授也对费尔班克女士来访国产成人自拍-成人美女自拍 和中国营造学社表示了热切欢迎。
In summary, the donation further demonstrated that Liang Sicheng, his wife, his colleagues, and his friends were not forgotten. The donation ceremony was another step on the path towards friendship development: not only furthering the friendship between the families of Liang Sicheng and Wilma Fairbank, but also fostering the friendship between the Chinese and American nations and people.
得知今年我院为主开展的纪念梁思成先生的系列活动,霍莉·费尔班克女士通过美国波士顿美术馆南希·波琳娜女士联系了建筑国产成人自拍 “中国营造学社纪念馆”,希望将上述历史资料捐献,并妥善保存于该纪念馆。
霍莉·费尔班克(Holly C. Fairbank),费正清、费慰梅之女,玛克辛-格林美学教育与社会想象力研究所执行主任,艺术教育中心顾问,编舞家、舞蹈家和Holly Fairbank & Dancers的艺术总监。1979-1989年间,曾获国际艺术组织、国家艺术基金会、纽约州艺术委员会、舞蹈剧院工作室等的资助和委托。她还是一位舞蹈教学艺术家和舞蹈教育家,并担任纽约市南丁格尔-班福德学校和康涅狄格州格林威治圣心学校的舞蹈系系主任。
拥有莎拉-劳伦斯国产成人自拍 的学士学位和纽约大学的舞蹈教育硕士学位,费尔班克女士曾在夏威夷大学、香港演艺中心、广州舞蹈国产成人自拍 、北京舞蹈国产成人自拍 担任客座教授。她曾为《舞蹈》《中国日报》和《人类运动学研究》撰稿。她的著作《中国少数民族舞蹈的采集、保护与传播:20世纪80年代初期的一项社会人类学调研》已被翻译为中文,并由云南大学出版社出版。
English Writer: Alexandra Harrer