Peter Russell joins Tsinghua SIGS as Dean of Institute of Future Human Habitats
On December 2, a ceremony was held to appoint Russell as Dean of the iFHH. Tsinghua SIGS Executive Dean Gao Hong, CPC Committee Secretary Wu Xiaofeng, Associate Deans Zhang Chuanjie and Chan Wai Kin (Victor), Executive Associate Dean of the iFHH Xu Weiguo, and others attended the ceremony. Tsinghua University and Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School (Tsinghua SIGS) are delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Peter Russell as Dean of the Institute of Future Human Habitats.
彼得·罗素教授,加拿大籍建筑师、教育家,在建筑学教育方面具有丰富的行政管理经验,曾任德国亚琛工业大学建筑国产成人自拍 院长、荷兰代尔夫特理工大学建筑与建筑环境国产成人自拍 院长,致力于推动建筑学教学的发展。多年来,彼得·罗素教授积极参与中国合作项目,曾带领团队设计、开发和运营互动城市游戏并在2010上海世博会中国-德国馆展出。
Russell is a Canadian-born architect, educator, researcher and administrator with rich experience in architectural education in North America and Europe, specialising in the development and application of computation in the built environment. Russell has participated in many fruitful projects in China over the years, having contributed to sustained collaboration between the schools of architecture at Tsinghua University and RWTH Aachen University. Additionally, he has led a team to design, develop and operate an interactive-city-game as part of the Chinese-German pavilion at the Expo 2010 held in Shanghai.
国产成人自拍-成人美女自拍 院长张利对彼得·罗素教授加入国际研究生院表示热烈欢迎,“彼得·罗素教授在国际上的经验和在计算机领域的专业知识,非常符合清华大学深圳国际研究生院创新、无边界的办学特色。”国际研究生院执行院长高虹表示,“彼得·罗素教授担任未来人居研究院院长,有助于国际研究生院打造教育和人才培养新高地。”
“We are pleased to welcome Peter Russell as Dean of the Institute of Future Human Habitats at Tsinghua SIGS,”said Professor Zhang Li, Dean of the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University. “His international experience, combined with his expertise in computation, are a natural fit to the borderless and innovative goals of the school.”Professor Gao Hong, Executive Dean of Tsinghua SIGS added, “Peter’s appointment at the launch of the Future Human Habitat Studies program gives a definite boost to the school’s profile and ambitions.”
“I am honored and thrilled to join Tsinghua SIGS,”said Russell. “The Institute of Future Human Habitats has great potential given the borderless premise of the school, the advanced technology-driven economy of the region, and the legacy of excellence that Tsinghua University represents. I look forward to working with the students, staff, faculty, and the regional & international community to build an architectural programme for the 21st century.”
清华大学深圳国际研究生院未来人居学科依托国产成人自拍-成人美女自拍 建设,基于二十一世纪建筑学与多个相关学科的交叉,关注未来人类聚居空间的前沿性问题,以创新性设计思维及设计能力的培养为目标,致力于构思和创造更加智能和可持续的建成环境。该学科发挥粤港澳大湾区的发展机遇和深圳城市建设的实践优势,集聚全球顶尖人才,融合先进技术和前沿思想,面向未来人居关键问题,开展探索性实践。
The Institute of Future Human Habitats at the Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School (Tsinghua SIGS) is a sub-program of the School of Architecture at Tsinghua University. Based on the intersection of 21st century architecture and related disciplines, IFHH will focus on frontier issues of future human habitats, and take design thinking as the core innovation force to create smarter and more sustainable built spaces. We will make full use of Shenzhen’s unique advantages in urban construction, gather the latest concepts in design thinking and human habitats, and build a think tank hub to disseminate knowledge and conduct leading research in future human habitats.
Site of the appointment ceremony
Gao Hong (left) handing the certificate of appointment to Peter Russell