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2007- 2012  国产成人自拍-成人美女自拍 土木工程(暖通空调)专业,获工学博士学位

2003- 2007  国产成人自拍-成人美女自拍 建筑环境与设备工程专业,获工学学士学位



2019至今   国产成人自拍-成人美女自拍 副教授/ 特别研究员、博士生导师

2017- 2019  国产成人自拍-成人美女自拍 助理教授/ 特别研究员、博士生导师

2016- 2017  国产成人自拍-成人美女自拍 助理研究员

2015- 2016  美国哈佛大学绿色建筑与城市研究中心 博士后

2012- 2014  国产成人自拍-成人美女自拍 博士后



国际室内空气学会 (ISIAQ)  热舒适分会秘书

国际能源署 (IEA) 建筑与社区节能Annex69项目  秘书长

教育部高等学校建筑环境与能源应用工程专业教学指导分委员会  秘书

中国建筑学会建筑物理分会 理事

中国城市科学研究会绿色建筑与节能专业委员会  委员兼青委会副秘书长

中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会  青委会主任委员











国际室内空气学会 (ISIAQ) “雅格鲁杰出青年科学家奖 (Yaglou Award)”,2020

美国暖通空调学会 (ASHRAE) “拉尔夫ž内文斯生理与人类环境奖 (Ralph G. Nevins Physiology and Human Environment Award)”,2019












国家自然科学基金面上项目“人体热舒适的部位需求分布特征与局部冷热调节模式研究”,2021- 2024,主持

国家自然科学基金面上项目“建筑环境儿童热舒适机理与评价模型研究”,2018- 2021,主持

国家自然科学基金青年项目“人体局部接触式热暴露对热舒适的影响研究”,2016- 2018,主持

国家自然科学基金重点项目“未来城市建筑室内环境营造理论和设计方法”,2019- 2023,子课题负责人

国家十三五重点研发计划科技冬奥重点专项课题“赛道环境营造及观赛环境保障技术研究”,2018- 2021,主持

国家十三五重点研发计划课题“绿色建筑实际性能与设计预期差异机理研究”,2016- 2020,子课题负责人

国家十二五科技支撑计划课题“天津生态城绿色建筑规划设计关键技术集成与示范”,2013- 2017,子课题负责人

北京市自然科学基金项目“京津冀地区办公建筑基于能耗控制需求的适应性热舒适评价方法研究”,2015- 2016,主持



ž   Yeyu Wu, Bin Cao*. (2022). Recognition and prediction of individual thermal comfort requirement based on local skin temperature. Journal of Building Engineering, 49: 104025.

ž   Xinyu Jia, Bin Cao*, Yingxin Zhu. (2022). A climate chamber study on subjective and physiological responses of airport passengers from walking to a sedentary status in summer. Building and Environment, 207: 108547.

ž   Zihan Wang, Bin Cao*, Yingxin Zhu. (2021). Questionnaire survey and field investigation on sleep thermal comfort and behavioral adjustments in bedrooms of Chinese residents. Energy and Buildings, 253: 111462.

ž   Xinyu Jia, Bin Cao*, Yingxin Zhu, Yenhsiang Huang. (2021). Field studies on thermal comfort of passengers in airport terminals and high-speed railway stations in summer. Building and Environment, 206: 108319.

ž   Yue Deng, Bin Cao*, Bin Liu, Yingxin Zhu. (2020). Effects of local heating on thermal comfort of standing people in extremely cold environments. Building and Environment, 185: 107256.

ž   Xinyu Jia, Bin Cao*, Yingxin Zhu, Bing Liu. (2020). Thermal comfort in mixed-mode buildings: A field study in Tianjin, China. Building and Environment, 185: 107244.

ž   Hecheng Yang, Yue Deng, Bin Cao*, Yingxin Zhu. (2020). Study on the local and overall thermal perceptions under nonuniform thermal exposure using a cooling chair. Building and Environment, 176: 106864.

ž   Wenjie Ji, Yingxin Zhu, Bin Cao*. (2020). Development of the Predicted Thermal Sensation (PTS) model using the ASHRAE Global Thermal Comfort Database. Energy and Buildings, 211: 109780.

ž   Yue Deng, Bin Cao*, Hecheng Yang, Bin Liu. (2019). Effects of local body heating on thermal comfort for audiences in open-air venues in 2022 Winter Olympics. Building and Environment, 165: 106363.

ž   Maohui Luo, Zhihao Ke, Wenjie Ji, Zhe Wang, Bin Cao*, Xiang Zhou, Yingxin Zhu. (2019). The time-scale of thermal comfort adaptation in heated and unheated buildings. Building and Environment, 151: 175-186.

ž   Hecheng Yang, Bin Cao*, Yi Ju, Yingxin Zhu. (2019). The effects of local cooling at different torso parts in improving body thermal comfort in hot indoor environments. Energy and Buildings, 198: 528-541.

ž   Nan Zhang, Bin Cao*, Yingxin Zhu. (2019). Effects of pre-sleep thermal environment on human thermal state and sleep quality. Building and Environment, 148: 600-608.

ž   Maohui Luo, Zhe Wang, Gail Brager, Bin Cao*, Yingxin Zhu. (2018). Indoor climate experience, migration, and thermal comfort expectation in buildings. Building and Environment, 141: 262-272.

ž   Wenjie Ji, Bin Cao*, Yang Geng, Yingxin Zhu, Borong Lin. (2017). Study on human skin temperature and thermal evaluation in step change conditions: From non-neutrality to neutrality. Energy and Buildings, 156: 29-39.

ž   Nan Zhang, Bin Cao*, Zhaojun Wang, Yingxin Zhu, Borong Lin. (2017). A comparison of winter indoor thermal environment and thermal comfort between regions in Europe, North America, and Asia. Building and Environment, 117: 208-217.

ž   Bin Cao*, Maohui Luo, Min Li, Yingxin Zhu. (2016). Too cold or too warm? A winter thermal comfort study in different climate zones in China. Energy and Buildings, 133: 469-477.

ž   Maohui Luo, Bin Cao*, Wenjie Ji, Qin Ouyang, Borong Lin, Yingxin Zhu. (2016). The underlying linkage between personal control and thermal comfort: Psychological or physical effects? Energy and Buildings, 111: 56-63.

ž   Bin Cao, Yingxin Zhu*, Min Li, Qin Ouyang. (2014). Individual and district heating: A comparison of residential heating modes with an analysis of adaptive thermal comfort. Energy and Buildings, 78: 17-24.

ž   Bin Cao, Qi Shang, Zizhu Dai, Yingxin Zhu*. (2013). The impact of air-conditioning usage on sick building syndrome during summer in China. Indoor and Built Environment, 22(3): 490-497.

ž   Bin Cao, Yingxin Zhu*, Qin Ouyang, Xiang Zhou, Li Huang. (2011). Field study of human thermal comfort and thermal adaptability during the summer and winter in Beijing. Energy and Buildings, 43(5): 1051-1056.

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