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国产成人自拍-成人美女自拍 ,获得工学硕士学位(风景园林方向)2005-08

香港大学建筑国产成人自拍 ,获得哲学博士学位(园境建筑学方向),2008-12



国产成人自拍-成人美女自拍 助理教授2019-

香港高等教育科技国产成人自拍 环境及设计国产成人自拍 ,特任导师及助理教授,2012-19










担任以下期刊审稿人:《中国园林》《风景园林》, Sustainability, Land,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications



Ø 期刊&书章

[1] 史舒琳(2023).中国风景园林行业应对气候变化和支持双碳目标的现状需求与策略.中国园林.39(3):34-39. 

[2] 宫宸;史舒琳*;孟令爽;杨荣湉(2022).系统性自然接触的健康效益——以成都公园城市为例.景观设计.2022(4):22-27.

[3] 史舒琳(2021). 老年人视角下社区景观要素与特征重要性研究与启示. 中国园林. 37(8): 62-67.

[4] Mu-Fei He, Shu-Lin Shi*, Ming-Yi He, Yan-Peng Leng and Shao-Yi Wang (2021). What affects older adults’ viewing behaviors in neighborhood open space: A study in Hong Kong. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2021(18): 2430.

[5] 史舒琳(2021). 老旧社区室外环境的适老化改造策略. 国内外城市社区居家适老化改造典型案例集. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社.

[6] Shu-Lin SHI (2020). Important elements and features of neighborhood landscape for aging in place: A study in Hong Kong. Frontiers in Public Health. 17 August 2020.  

[7] 史舒琳(2020).康养景观与美丽中国.In Beautiful China: Reflection on landscape architecture in contemporary China. Edited by Richard J. Weller & Tatum L. Hands. 182-185.

[8] 史舒琳(2020). 城市水景康养功效与机制研究. 西北大学学报(自然科学版).50(6): 881-886.

[9] 李树华*; 康宁; 史舒琳; (2020). “绿康城市”论. 中国园林. 36(7): 14-19.

[10] 史舒琳;康宁;孟令爽;宫宸;李树华* (2020). 公园城市公共健康价值研究. 公园城市:成都实践. 成都市公园城市建设领导小组 . 北京:中国发展出版社.

[11] Shu Lin SHI*; Chau Ming TONG; Clare COOPER MARCUS (2019). What makes a garden in elderly care facility well used? Landscape Research. 44(2): 256-269.

[12] Shulin SHI (2019). Contribution of affordable housing projects to green network in compact cities: A Hong Kong case. In Greening Affordable Housing: An Interactive Approach. Edited by AbdulLateef Olanrewaju, Zalina Shari, and Zhonghua Gou. Boca Raton: CRC Press.

[13] 史舒琳 (2018). 国内康复景观设计相关研究与实践综述. 南方建筑. 185(3): 11-17.

[14] Shu Lin SHI*; Chau Ming TONG; Yi Qi TAO (2018). How does spatial organisation of gardens at care facilities for the elderly influence use patterns: A case study in Hong Kong. Landscape Research. 43(1): 124-138.

[15] Shulin SHI*; Zhonghua GOU; Leslie CHEN (2014). How does enclosure influence environmental preferences? A cognitive study on urban public open spaces in Hong Kong. Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 13. pp. 148-156.

[16] Paul CHAN*; Shulin SHI (2014). Landscape architecture and the "green" elements in Hong Kong housing development. Housing Dynamics: Official Journal of The Hong Kong Institute of Housing. April: 13-18.
[17]  Leslie CHEN*; Shulin SHI (2012). Benefits to city dwellers’ well-being: A landscape perspective. Yuan Lin. 2011-2012 (1): 72-79.


Ø 会议报告及论文

[1] 史舒琳(2022).  A study on stationary behaviors in high-density residential estates in Hong Kong.香港2022国际城市林务研讨会.口头报告,线上.

[2] 史舒琳(2021). 从城市开放空间健康效益科研实践看风景园林教育应对. 2021年中国风景园林教育大会风景园林青年学者论坛.口头报告, 中国, 北京.

[3] Shulin SHI(2021). Important elements and features of neighborhood landscape for aging in place. International Symposium for the 40th Anniversary of Environmental Planning Institute, Seoul National University. Oral presentation. Online.

[4] 史舒琳 (2019). Health-beneficial landscape: Starting from evidence-based design.2019中国风景园林年会专题论坛|国际青年风景园林师特别对话.口头报告,中国,上海.

[5] 史舒琳 (2019).Post occupancy evaluation of landscape in caring facilities for aged people: A case study in Hong Kong.清华大学-京都大学-首尔大学三校联合风景园林论坛.口头报告,中国,北京.

[6] 史舒琳 (2019). 安老院舍康养景观循证设计浅议——以香港为例. 2019中国园艺疗法研究与实践研讨会.口头报告, 中国,北京.

[7] Shulin SHI (2019). 康养景观与美丽中国. Penn China Design Dialogue (PCDD).口头报告, 中国,北京.

[8] Shulin SHI (2019). Project-based approaches to foster learning research among undergraduate landscape students. For Oral Presentation at the Eighth International Conference on Advances in Social Science, Management and Human Behaviour - SMHB 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Paper published in conference proceeding. pp: 14-18.

[9] Shulin SHI (2018). What is the expected bicycle parking in Hong Kong? Poster presentation at The First THEi Research Symposium, 2018, Hong Kong SAR, PRC.

[10] 史舒琳 (2017). 香港公共屋邨绿地营建的启示. 中国风景园林学会2017年会,口头报告,中国,西安.

[11] Shulin SHI (2017). 适老景观循证设计探讨. 城市绿化基建研讨会系列之三构建和谐之境——优化种植及园境设计,口头报告,香港.

[12] Shulin SHI (2017). 安老院舍庭园设计与使用. 香港园艺治疗协会2017年会,口头报告,香港.

[13] Shulin SHI (2016). User instructions: To optimize well-being benefits of gardens in healthcare facilities. Poster presentation at the European Healthcare Design Congress 2016, London, UK.

[14] 史舒琳; 陈弘志 (2016). 采菊东篱下”到“桂花香动万山秋”. 中国首届“亭文化暨园理学研讨会”, 安徽滁州.

[15] Leslie CHEN; Shulin SHI (2014). Making the city more livable: On landscape policy in Hong Kong. Oral presentation at the 1st International Conference on Horticultural Therapy and Therapeutic Landscaping, Hong Kong SAR, PRC.

[16] Shulin, SHI; Leslie CHEN (2011). Enclosure and its health promoting effects of urban open spacesOral presentation at the 7th Design and Health World Congress, Boston, USA.

[17] 史舒琳; 陈弘志 (2009). 生态视角下城市景观设计的共赢之策初探. 2009年全国博士生学术论坛(建筑学), 口头报告,北京.

[18] Shulin SHI (2009). Health promoting effects of enclosure of urban public open spaces: Through behavioral studies in Hong Kong. Oral presentation at the Universitas 21 International Graduate Research Conference: Sustainable Cities for the Future, Australia.



[1] 清华-剑桥大学合作项目:风景园林行业应对气候变化及支持净零策略研究(20223080003),清华大学方主持,2022

[2] 基于循证设计方法的风景园林学城市设计Studio教学研究(ZY01_02),主持,2022-23

[3] 天津市绿色建筑促进发展中心GEF中国可持续城市综合方法试点项目TF0A4213)天津市建昌道片区轨道站点基于TOD理念的规划设计研究项目(GEFTJ-3),参与,2021-22

[4] 丰田汽车有限公司:美好人居规划设计(20203910006),参与,2020-22

[5] 住房和城乡建设部标准定额司负责执行,世界银行贷款项目:国内外城市社区居家适老化改造典型案例集(20201660245),参与,2020-21

[6] 成都市风景园林规划设计院:公园城市与公共健康专题研究(SCFCZB-2020080092),主持,2020

[7] 香港特别行政区大学教育资助委员会,教员发展计划(FDS):促进居家安老的香港公共屋邨户外空间设计研究(UGC/FDS25/H05/18),主持,2018-19

[8] 香港特别行政区大学教育资助委员会,跨院校发展计划(IIDS):城市绿化基建研讨会系列:优化生态系统服务及生物多样性(UGC/IIDS25/M01/16),联合主持2017-18

[9] 香港特别行政区大学教育资助委员会,院校发展计划IDS):可持续生活之研究:第二期研究资源建构计划(UGC/IDS25/16),参与,2017-19

[10] THEi种子基金计划:以骑行人士视角评估香港自行车路径空间特质(1516110),主持,20163-17

[11] THEi种子基金计划:安老院舍景观使用后评估(1314103),主持,2013-14

[12] THEi种子基金计划:设计教育中的体验式学习:复兴自然染色(1314102),参与,2013-14



[1] 成都京东方医院(二期)-智慧慢病管理中心项目室内及景观设计顾问,参与(负责景观部分),2022-23

[2] 重庆市风景园林科学研究院园艺疗法园专项设计,负责,2020

[3] 美的置业“疗愈概念在居住社区公共空间中的实践”课题,主要参与,2020 

[4] 明爱恩翠苑院舍景观设计及实施,香港,负责,2018

[5] 明爱利孝和护理安老院院舍景观改造设计,香港,负责,2017

[6] 北京天坛公园总体规划,北京,参与,2007

[7] 北京市中山公园总体规划,北京,参与,2007





“未来·展:2018 年第三届广东省高校建筑与环境艺术设计专业毕业设计联展”优秀指导教师奖(2018



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