
MA Student Daharma Wijaya is awarded the “WINNER of ARCHITECTS OF TOMORROW 2022”

Dharma Wijaya, Master student of Tsinghua School of Architecture, was announced as the “Winner of Architects of Tomorrow 2022” for his graduation project in the “Architects of Tomorrow Special Contest” organized by Italian magazine “THE PLAN“. Dharma’s graduation project “Research on Renewal Design of Balinese Traditional Villages in Indonesia ——the Case of Tenganan Village” was supervised by Prof. Yi Wang of the School, judged by a respected international jury and eventually won the award.  In addition to this award, this project has also earlier been given the “2022 Guan Zhaoye Scholarship Design Award” by Tsinghua School of Architecture.

The“Architects of Tomorrow”  is promoted by THE PLAN as part of their yearly “The Plan Award”. The jury members for the 2022 contest are: Kim Herforth Nielsen (3XN founder, Senior Partner and Creative Director), Simonetta Cencl (Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia, founder and Deputy Managing Director), Stefan Behnisch (Behnisch Architekten, Partner), Gustavo Rodriguez (FX Collaborative, Partner), Andrea Navarro (GCA Architects, Partner), Andrew Whalley (Grimshaw, Chairman and Partner).


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