
ZHOU Yanmin
Tel: 86-10-82424048 / 82424049
Fax: 86-10-82424048 / 82424049
E-mail: [email protected]

Professor of School of Architecture,  Tsinghua University

Deputy Director of Institute of  Housing and Community

National First-Class Certified  Architect





Research on Architecture for the Aged

?           Research on needs  of the aged dwellers and human engineering

?           Research on  planning and design of retirement community

?           Research on  planning and design of aged care facility

?           Research on  senior housing real estate development

?           Research on  design of barrier-free architecture


Research on Residential Building

?           Research on  planning and designing of residential community

?           Research on needs  of dwellers

?           Research on  detailed housing design

?           Research on  standardized housing design

?           Research on  housing layout refinement and interior design

?           Research on  low-income earners’ social housing



get admitted to School of  Architecture, Tsinghua University, 1978

Master of Architecture, School of  Architecture, Tsinghua University, 1988



Professor, School of Architecture,  Tsinghua University, 2006-present

Associate professor, School of  Architecture, Tsinghua University, 1995-2006

Visiting Scholar at Niigata  University, 2000-2001




Deputy Chairman of the China Urban  Planning and Housing Committee

Member of Committee of Housing  Facilities under China Real Estate and Housing Research Society

Member of Committee of Experts of  National Aged Care Service System Construction Committee under Ministry  of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China

Member of National Social Welfare  Association

Member of Housing Program Guidance  Committee under National Academy of Civil Engineering




Architectural Design (second-year  students), 1995-present

Architectural Design, Residential  Planning and Design(fourth-year students), 1998-present


       Detailed Design of Residential  Housing, 2005-present




1)       Elderly Housing Renovation Design Case  Collection, China Building Industry  Press, 2012

2)       Housing for the Elderly, China Building Industry  Press, 2011

3)       Detailed  Design of Dwelling, China Building Industry  Press, 2008

4)       Design  of Medium-Small Apartments, China Building Industry  Press, 2008

5)       Principles  of Housing Design (co-authored), China Building Industry  Press, 2007

6)       Commodity  Residential Kitchen Space Design, China Building Industry  Press, 2000

7)       Collection  of the Foreign Public Buildings, China Building Industry  Press, 1999

8)       Dining  Architecture Design, China Building Industry Press, 1999

9)       Modern  Housing Design – Bathroom, China Building Industry  Press, 1995

10)    Collection of Modern Housing Design –  Kitchen and Dining Room, China Building Industry  Press, 1994


Journal papers


1)       Zhou  Yanmin, Liu Jiayan. Outdoor Environment Design for the Aged in  Residential Area. Architectueral Journal, 2013/03

2)       Zhou  Yanmin, Lin Jingyi. Elderly Facility Architecture Design by the Concept  of Humanization:Case Study of Elderly Facilities in China and Japan. Art  & Design, 2012/09

3)       Zhou  Yanmin, Zhong Lin, Lin Jingyi. Design Research on Bathroom in Elderly  Facilities. Time Architecture, 2012/06

4)       Zhou  Yanmin. Elderly Residential Space Design Balcony Articles. Community  Design, 2012/05

5)       Zhou  Yanmin. Elderly Residential Space Design Living Room Articles. Community  Design, 2012/03

6)       Zhou  Yanmin. Elderly Residential Space Design Entrance Articles. Community  Design, 2012/02

7)       Zhou  Yanmin, Lin Jingyi. Analysis On The Development And Planning Principles  Of Senior Living Community. City Planning Review, 2012/01

8)       Zhou  Yanmin, Lin Jingyi, Qi Ji. Customizing Public Rental Housing for the  Youth:A Study on the Youth’s Public Rental Housing Design from Living  Needs. Urbanism and Architecture, 2012/01

9)       Hong  Yi, Zhou Yanmin. Problems of Fire Escape in Elders Housing and  Suggestions Concerned. Architectural Journal, 2011/12

10)    Zhou Yanmin, Wang Fuqing. Senior Housing  Design about the Settlement Pattern of "Home-Care-Based" Mode. Modern  Urban Research, 2011/10

11)    Zhou Yanmin. Elderly Residential Space  Design Bathroom Articles. Community Design, 2011/05

12)    Zhou Yanmin, Wang Fuqing. Multiple  Architectural Space Modes for Housing and Providing for the Aged in the  Communities in Modern Cities. Shanghai Urban Management, 2011/04

13)    Zhou Yanmin. Elderly Residential Space  Design Kitchen Articles. Community Design, 2011/04

14)    Zhou Yanmin. Elderly Residential Space  Design Bedroom Articles. Community Design, 2011/03

15)    Zhou Yanmin, Wang Fuqing, Chai Jianwei.  Discussion on Policies and Construction Trends in Senior Housing.  Urbanism and Architecture, 2011/01

16)    Zhou Yanmin. Future Trends and Realization  Paths of Chinese Housing. Community Design, 2011/01

17)    Zhou Yanmin, Lin Jingyi. Urban Residential  Kitchen Evolution and Future Trends. Art & Design, 2010/11

18)    Zhou Yanmin, Wang Fuqing. Study on the  Habitation Demand from Low-income People in Beijing and Enlightenment on  Low-Crent Housing Design. Architectueral Journal, 2009/08

19)    Zhou Yanmin, Fu Ling. Residential Tower  Research——Taking the One Stair-six Units Tower as an Example. Urbanism  and Architecture, 2009/01

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