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Regional Architecture

Ethnic and Vernacular Architecture

Architectural Design and Theory



1996-2001, Ph.D., School of Architecture, Tsinghua  University

1989-1992, M. Arch., School of Architecture, Tsinghua  University

1984-1989, B. Arch., School of Architecture, Tsinghua  University


2008-Present, Associate Dean, School of Architecture,  Tsinghua University

2014-Present, Chairman, Academic Degree Evaluation  Committee of School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

2014-Present, Member, Academic Degree Evaluation  Committee of Tsinghua University

2014-Present, Director, Research Institute of Regional  and National Architecture, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

2010-Present, Deputy Chief Architect, Architectural  Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University Co., Ltd. (THAD)

2004-Present, Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua  University

2004-Present,  Founder and Chief Architect of Shan Jun Atelier

2001-2002,     SPURS Research Fellow, MIT, USA

2000-2000,     Visiting Scholar, University of Roma,  Italy

1999-2004,     Associate Professor, School of  Architecture, Tsinghua University

1992-1999,     Lecturer, School of Architecture, Tsinghua  University


Vice Chairman of Faculty Teaching Committee; Member of  Academic Committee and Faculty Appointment Committee



2011-Present, Executive Member, Council of Architectural  Society of China (ASC), FASC

2009-Present, Deputy Executive General, Architects Branch  of ASC

2012-Present,  Executive Member, Committee  of Evaluation of Architectural Education of ASC

2014-Present, Director, Regional Architecture Committee  of ASC

2005-2009,     Member, National Supervision Board of  Architectural Education

2014-Present, Vice President, National Architecture  Institute of China

2014-Present, Vice President, Traditional Architecture  Branch of China Exploration & Design Association

2011-Present, Member, Architectural Art Committee of  China Artists Association

2012-Present, Deputy Director, Tsinghua University-BIAD  National Center of Engineering Practice and Education

2014-Present, Professor, Research Center of National  Image Communication, Tsinghua University

2012-Present, Member, Academic Committee of Architectural  Research and Design Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Member of Editorial Committee of Magazines including  World Architecture, China Architectural Education, Community Design, Huazhong Architecture, Urban Environment  Design, Architecture Technique, and Chinese and Overseas  Architecture.




Architectural Design Theory

Introduction to Regional Architecture

Architectural Design Studio V/VI

Graduation Project and Comprehensive Thesis Advisory


Architecture and National Dignity

Indian Architecture

Tsinghua-MIT Beijing Joint Design Studio



Ph.D. students: over 20 (as primary advisor)

M.A. students: over 70 (including overseas students)



01. National Natural Science Fund: Research on the  Association of Architectural Regionality and Ethnicity in Minority  Settlements. 2010-2012. Director.

02. National Natural Science Fund: Research on the  Design Mode and Strategies of Environmental Adaptability Based on  Architectural Regionality. 2014-2017. Director.

03. Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher  Education, Ministry of Education: Research on the Impact Model of  Spatial Morphology of Mixed Minority Settlements Based on Architectural  Composition Analysis. 2013-2015. Director.

04. Special Research Fund for Authors of National  Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, Ministry of Education:  Research  on the Sustainability of Contemporary Regional Architectural Culture in  China and Study of Social Culture of Urban Spaces. 2006-2010. Director.

05. Special Research Fund (Sub-Project) of Chinese  Academy of Engineering: Research on the Current Status and Development  of Chinese Contemporary Architectural Design. 2010-2012. Co-director.

06. Research Fund of Beijing Municipal Commission of  Urban Planning and Construction: Research on Rural Dwellings in the  Suburban Areas of Beijing. 2004. Director

07. Research Fund (Sub-Project) of Architectural  Professional Degree and Graduate Education Committee, Ministry of  Housing and Urban-Rural Development: Revision of Architectural  Professional Program and Establishment of Core Curriculum and Teaching  Objectives. 2013-2014. Main Participant.



01.  National Exhibition and Convention Center  (co-direct). 2011-2015, Competition First Prize, Completed. Shanghai

02.  Emperor of Ming Dynasty Cultural Museum. 2007-2012,  Completed. Zhongxiang

03.  Museum of Traditional Mongolian Dancing. 2013-2015,  Completed. Tongliao

04.  Museum of Traditional Mongolian Medicine. 2013-2015,  Completed. Tongliao

05.  Jinzhong Municipal Museum. 2013-2016, Under  Construction. Jinzhong

06.  Jinzhong Municipal Library. 2013-2016, Under  Construction. Jinzhong

07.  Jinzhong Science and Technology Museum. 2013-2016,  Under Construction. Jinzhong

08.  The Old Brick Kiln Site Museum. 2006-2008,  Completed. Wuxi

09.  Office Building of Chinese Ministry of Commerce in  Indonesia. 2008-2014, Completed. Jakarta, Indonesia

10.  Spring and Autumn Gateway. 2009-2010, Completed.  Zibo

11.  Shan Shui House. 2014- , Under Construction.  Mount Lu, Jiujiang

12.  Zhongxiang Culture and Sports Center. 2007-2010,  Completed. Zhongxiang

13.  Tianshui No.1 Middle School, Mount Maiji Campus.  2014-2016, Under Construction. Tianshui

14.  Tianshui Runtian School. 2015-. Tianshui

15.  Student Center of Northeastern University Hunnan  Campus. 2012-2015, Completed. Shenyang

16.  Qi Yue Kindergarten Phase 1/ Phase 2. 2011-2015,  Completed. Zibo

17.  Qi Yun Kindergarten (Collaborative Design).  2011-2015, Under Construction. Zibo

18.  Hongjia Kindergarten and Primary School. 2009-2013,  Completed. Zibo

19.  Qi Yue Residential Community. 2010-2014, Completed.  Zibo

20.  Commercial Office Complex of Torch Plaza. 2012-2015,  Completed. Zibo

21.  Nursing Home for the Aging Muslims in Huhhot.  1999-2003, Completed. Huhhot

22.  Campus of Sichuan Commercial College. 2005-2008,  Completed. Chengdu

23.  Tri-Pavilion Yard. 2008-2014, Under Construction.  Zibo

24.  Mulan No.7: Mulan Paddock Group Design. 2011-.  Chengde

25.  Ordos 20+10 Project: plot P24 + plot T22. 2010-.  Ordos

26.  Courtyard House. 2009-. Zibo

27.  Railway Pavilion of 2010 Shanghai EXPO. 2008,  Competition. Shanghai

28.  Paper-Cut Museum in Yuxian County. 2007. Zhangjiakou

29.  Taizhou City Planning Gallery. 2003. Taizhou

30.  Ziyang Foreign Languages School. 2003-2005,  Completed. Ziyang

31.  Urban Design and Tibetan Cultural Preservation and  Development Planning of Qia Bu Qia, Qinghai. 2006-2007, Completed.  Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Hainan

32.  Preservation, Urban Revitalization Study and Urban  Design of Historical District Dashilar, Beijing (Collaborative Design).  2004-2006, Completed. Beijing



2014, The 6th Chinese Architectural Education  Award, Architectural Society of China (ASC)

2014, Gold Medal, The 8th Architectural Design  Award, ASC

2014, The Chicago Athenaeum International Architecture  Award

2014, World Architecture Community Award

2013, 1st Prize, National Architecture Award  of Excellence, China Exploration & Design Association

2013, 1st Prize, Excellent Project Design  Award, Ministry of Education

2013, Excellent Design Award, the 19th Beijing  Urban Design Exhibition

2012, National Housing Pilot Project, Ministry of Housing  and Urban-Rural Development

2011, Gold Medal, Architectural Design Award of Human  Settlements, ASC

2011, Gold Medal, Environmental and Urban Design Award of  Human Settlements, ASC

2009, Top Ten Emerging Architects, Research Institute of  Chinese Architectural Culture

2009, Grand Architectural Creation Award, ASC

2006, The 4th Architectural Design Award, ASC


2014, Outstanding Teaching Achievement Award, Tsinghua  University

2014, Award of Excellent Undergraduate Courses, Tsinghua  University

2013, Outstanding Teaching Achievement Award, Beijing  Municipal Commission of Education

2013, Award of Excellent Graduate Courses, Tsinghua  University (Architecture and National Dignity)

2012, Outstanding Teaching Achievement Award, Tsinghua  University

2008, National Award of Excellent Courses (Architectural  Design Studio), Ministry of Education

2004, Outstanding Teacher Award, Tsinghua University

2004, The 13th Chinese National Book Prize  (Translation Oriental Architecture), The Publishers Association  of China

2004, National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation, Ministry  of Education



2014, XXV International Union of Architects World  Congress Exhibition, Durban, South Africa

2014, The City and the World - International Architecture  Awards 2014 Exhibition, Istanbul/ Chicago Biennale, Touring Exhibition  in Europe

2014, ZAO/ Architecture China, Exhibition for Celebration  of 50 years of Diplomatic Relationship between France and China, Lyon,  France

2012, From Beijing to London: Contemporary Chinese  Architecture Exhibition, the Building Center, London, UK

2012, Architecture China -The 100 Contemporary Projects,  Reiss-Engelhorn Museum (REM), Mannheim, Germany

2011, VERSO EST. Chinese Architectural Landscape  Exhibition, Museum of Art for the XXI Century (MAXXI), Roma, Italy

2010, Chinese Regional Architecture in a  Post-Experimental Age: 16 Chinese Contemporary Architects, Germany/  Czech Republic

2008, Red Beijing: Hong Kong-Shenzhen Biennale of  Architecture and Urbanism, Hong Kong, China

2006, Soft New York: The 1st Architectural  Academy Exhibition of La Biennale Di Veneza, Venice, Italy



[1] Shan  Jun. 2010. Regionality of Architecture and Cities - A Research on  Regional Architecture with Human Settlements Concept. Beijing:  China Architecture & Building Press.

 [2]  Shan Jun, editor-in-chief. 2014-2016. Serial Researches on  Regional Architecture. (10 volumes) Beijing: Tsinghua  University Press.

 [3] Zhang  Jie, Shan Jun (Tsinghua), Jan Wampler, Dennis Frenchman (MIT). 2009. Twenty Years of Student Work of Tsinghua-MIT Beijing Joint Urban  Design Studio. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press.

 [4]  Zhu Wenyi, Wang Lu, Shan Jun, Zhang Yue, etc. 2007. SOFT New  York - 2006 Venice Biennale, International Student Workshop, School of  Architecture, Tsinghua University.  Beijing: Tsinghua University Press.

 [5]  Shan Jun, Zhao Yan. 2000. Translation of ‘Oriental Architecture’.  Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press.

 [6] Shan  Jun, Zhang Yue. 2004. Foodscape Beijing. Beijing: Tsinghua  University Press.

 [7] Cheng  Xiaoqing, Shan Jun, Zhang Yue, Wei Shiyu, etc. 2015. TyPeking.  Beijing: Tsinghua University Press.

 [8]  Xu Weiguo, Shan Jun, etc. 2007. Studio  Works, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press.



[1] Wu Liangyong, Li Dexiang, Zhu Wenyi, Shan Jun.  “Restriction and Creation – Designing the New Campus of Central Academy  of Fine Arts and its Affiliated School.” Architectural Journal  1996(05).

 [2] Shan Jun. “Root and Architectural Regionality –  Inspiration from ‘ROOTS - Innovation and Tradition in Asian Architecture  Today’ Exhibition.” Architectural Journal 1996(10).

 [3]  Shan Jun. “On Regional Identity: Study of Three Aga-khan Award  Projects.” Architect 1997(02).

 [4] Shan Jun, translator. “Contemporary Vernacular: An  Architectural View of the Pluralistic World.” World Architecture  1998(01).

 [5]  Shan Jun. “Contemporary Vernacular Architecture: Towards Grandeur -  International Seminar on Contemporary Vernacular - Modernizing  Architectural Traditions 1997.” Huazhong Architecture. 1998(16).

 [6] Shan Jun. “Three Questions on Architectural Culture  – Rethinking on ‘Hua and Yi’, ‘Ti and Yong’, ‘Tong and Yi’ in China.” Huazhong Architecture 1998(02).

 [7] Wu Liangyong, Shan Jun, Zhang Yue, Ni Feng. “Guiding  Architectural Design through Urban Design Perspectives, and Promoting  Urban Design through Architectural Design Thinkings.” Proceedings of  the 1998 Urban Design Academic Conference. The Urban Planning  Society of China. Shenzhen 1998(08).

 [8]  Ken Yeang, author; Shan Jun, translator. “Designing and Planning the  Green Skyscraper.” World Architecture 1999(02).

 [9] Shan Jun. “Learning from Indian Experience: The  Conception and Form of Ancient Indian Architecture.” World  Architecture 1999(08).

 [10] Shan Jun, Wang Lu. “Open and Mix: His Majesty Akbar  and Fatehpur Sikri.” World Architecture  1999(08).                                                                 

[11] Shan Jun. “Between Remembering and Forgetting:  Meditation in front of Tjibaou Cultural Center.” World Architecture  2000(09).                                                                 

[12] Shan Jun. “’Visible’ and ‘Invisible’.” World  Architecture 2000(12).

[13] Shan Jun. “Considerations Given to the Research of  Regional Character of Architecture.” Architectural Journal  2000(11).

[14] Shan Jun. “Design for the Senior Home in the Hui  Ethnic Group District in Hohhot.” Architectural Journal 2000(11). 

[15] Shan Jun. “Urban and Rural Residents.” Architectural Journal 2001(11).

[16] Gao Yihan, Shan Jun. “Tentative Study on Residents’  Self-Building Behavior in Small-Scale Transformation of Beijing Old  City.” Community Design 2004(02).

[17] Shan Jun, Wang Lu. “Between Utopia and Reality: On  Shu He Old Town Renewal.” Building Review 2004(07).

[18] Shan Jun. “Small is Beautiful.” World  Architecture 2004(11).

[19] Shan Jun, Wang Xinzheng. “Contemporary  Interpretation of Traditional Vernacular Architecture: Case Study on  Trulli Houses in Alberobello.” World Architecture 2004(12).

[20] Wang Zhigang, Shan Jun. “The Complexity in  Architecture: Analyzing Works of Samuel Mockbee and the Rural Studio.” World Architecture 2004(12).

[21] Zhang Jie, Shan Jun. “City on the Trail.” World  Architecture 2005(03).

[22] Shan Jun, Zhang Yue. “Foodscape Beijing – Die  stadtische Dimension der chinesischen Esskultur.” StadtBauwelt  2005(03).                                                                 

[23] Zhu Wenyi, Shan Jun, Cheng Xiaoqing. “The  Architectural Education of Tsinghua University under the Guidance of the  Science of Human Settlements.” Proceedings of 2007 International  Conference on Architectural Education and Annual Conference of National  Departments of Architecture. 2007(09).

[24] Cheng Xiaoxi, Shan Jun. “Logical Concept of Regional  Urban Design and Research: A Case Study on Qia Pu Qia City Urban  Planning, Qinghai.” 2007 Exposition of Chinese Ethnic and Regional  Architecture and Planning Achievement, 2007 Cultural Sustainability  Forum of Ethnic and Regional Architecture, Suzhou 2007(11).

[25] Shan Jun, Zhang Yue, etc. “Learning From Film: Notes of an Architectural and Urban  Design Studio of ‘Film Beijing’.” New Architecture 2008(01).

[26] Shan Jun, Cheng Xiaoxi. “Metro Beijing - Three  Topics.” Urbanism and Architecture 2009(01).

[27] Shan Jun. “Travel Notes of Japan.” Urban  Environment Design 2009(11).

[28] Wu Yan, Shan Jun.  “Study of Spatial Language of  Regional Ethnic Architecture: A Case Study of Dwellings in Dali,  Yunnan.” Ethnic Group. Settlements. Ethnic Architecture: Proceedings  of the 16th International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological  Sciences World Congress. Yunnan University Press, 2009(12).

[29] Shan Jun, Tie Lei.  “In Between: Two Approaches to  Express Locality of Architecture.” World Architecture 2010(08).

[30] Shan Jun, Wu Yan. “Regional Response and  Nationality’s Passing on: Investigation and Consideration on Tibetan  Dwellings in Different Region of Northwest Yunnan.” Architectural  Journal 2010(08).

[31] Shan Jun, Tie Lei. “Between Spring and Autumn: the  Spring and Autumn Gateway”. Architectural Journal 2010(11).

[32] Luo Jianping, Shan Jun.  “’Heaven-Earth-Sovereign-Parent-Teacher’ Belief: ‘Etiquette’ and  ‘Self-Organization Principles’ of the Tunpu Settlement.” New  Architecture 2011(04).

[33] Shan Jun, Luo Jianping. “Regional Response of  Defensive Architecture: A Case Study on Anshun Tunpu.” Architectural  Journal 2011(11).

[34] Shan Jun, Tie Lei. “A Research on Spatial Schema of  Tibetan Folk Residence in Yunnan Province.” Community Design  2011(12).

[35] Shan Jun, Wu Yan. “Field Research on Minority  Settlements at Nujiang, Yunnan - Studying of Architectures in Different  Minority Settlements.” Community Design 2012(01).

[36] Shan Jun, Tie Lei. “Place • Technology •  Regenerative Architecture - A Outline of Steve Moore’s Nonmodern  Regionalism.” Architecture and Culture 2012(03).

[37] Shan Jun, Wu Yan, Feng Xiaobo. “Contrast Study on  Catholic Church in Minority Settlements at Remote Areas in the Northwest  of Yunnan.” Huazhong Architecture 2012(06).

[38] Tie Lei, Shan Jun. “A Resistance to ‘Resistance’:  Keith Eggener’s Critique of Critical Regionalism.” World Architecture  2012(05).

[39] Shan Jun, Lu Xiangdong, etc. “In Scenery: Design for  Hubei Zhongxiang City Museum and Ming Dynasty Emperor Cultural Museum.” Architectural Journal 2012(11). Front Cover.

[40] Wu Yan, Shan Jun. Protection,  Renovation, and Reuse of the Ethnic Minorities’ Dwellings in  Northwestern Yunnan: A Case Study on Bingzhongluo. Eco-City and Green Building  2013(02                                                      

[41] Shan Jun, Wang Lu. “In Between: About the Design of  the Ming Dynasty Emperors’ Museum in Zhongxiang, Hubei.”  Time+Architecture 2013(01).

[42] Luo Jing, Shan Jun. Development  of Conservation for Historic Site in Taiwan and Local Consciousness. Architectural Journal  2013(04).

[43] Shan Jun, Zhou Ting. Analysis  on the Setting of Historic Cultural Villages and Towns Under Tourism  Development. Huazhong Architecture  2013(09).

[44] Wu Yan, Shan Jun. Association  Study on Regionality and Ethnicity of Buildings in the Minority  Settlements of Northwest Yunnan. Architectural Journal  2013(05).

[45] Zhou Ting, Shan Jun. “Striking the Perception:  Analysis of the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2012, London.” World  Architecture 2013(06).

 [46] Shan Jun, Wu Yan. “Study on the Eco Low-tech  Strategy of Tibetan Dwellings in Yunnan.” South Architecture  2013(03).

[47] Shan Jun, Zhou Ting, Yang Liuqing. “Field Research  and Analysis on Transformation of Tujia Vernacular Dwellings in Yongshun,  Xiangxi.” Community Design 2014(02).

[48] Shan Jun. “New Educational Mode for Postgraduates  Majoring in Professional Degrees in China – Exploration of Professional  Degree Training by the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University.” Yunnan Architecture 2014(01). 

[49] Shan Jun. “Inspiration from Open-ended ‘Group Design  Studio’.” World Architecture 2014(07).

[50]  Zhuang Weimin, Shan Jun, Xu Weiguo. “Open-ended Design Teaching and Its  Inspiration.” Proceedings of 2014 National Architecture Conference of Higher Educational Institutions 2014      [51] Zhou Ting, Shan Jun, Zhang Bo. “The Transformation  of Tujia Vernacular Dwellings in Laosicheng, Yongshun.” Architectural  Journal 2015(02).

[52] Shan Jun, Liu Yulong, Tie Lei, Zhao Tong. “The  Duality of Regionality in an Enclave: On the Design of the Office  Building of Chinese Ministry of Commerce in Indonesia.” Architectural  Journal 2015(03).

[53] Zhuang Weimin, Shan Jun, Cheng Xiaoqing, Zhong Ge.  “Exploring the Co-founding Mode of Tsinghua  University- BIAD National Center of Engineering Practice and Education  under Various Cooperating Mechanism. Proceedings of the 24th education symposium of Tsinghua  University, Tsinghua University Press, 2015(03)

[54] Zhuang Weimin, Shan Jun, Xu Weiguo, “Topic:  Open-ended Design Teaching in Tsinghua University.” Domus(Chinese  Edition). 2015(01-02)

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