
LU Xiangdong
Tel: 86-10-62773187
Fax: 86-10-62770314
E-mail: [email protected]


Architecture Design and  Theory

Design and Practice of  Contemporary Theater in China

History of Modern Theater in  China



PhD in Architecture, School  of Architecture, Tsinghua University, 2005

Master of Design Study (MDeS),  GSD, Harvard University, 2001

Master in Architecture,  School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, 1994

Bachelor in Architecture,  School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, 1989



School of Architecture,  Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Associate Professor  (08/2000-present)

Lecturer, School of  Architecture, Tsinghua University, 05/1995 – 05/2000



Academic Projects

[1].Revision of <Architectural Design Data  Set-Performing Arts Center, Concert Hall, Outdoor Theater> (China  Building Industry Press, Architectural Society of China)(2011-)

[2].A POE Research on Contemporary Theater in  China (Project from the Ministry of Culture)(2010)

[3].A Study on Technology strategy for the  Future Development of Contemporary Theater in China (Project from the  Ministry of Culture)(2010)

Design Projects and  Competition

[1]. Changshu, Jiangnan Culture and Art  Center, 2009-2012, Completed

[2]. Dali, Yang Liping Theater (2012—)

[3]. Beijing Opera House Concept Design (2011)

[4]. Nanjiang, Guanbaxiang Primary School  (post-earthquake disaster reconstruction) (2008-2011, Completed)

[5]. Hubei, Zhongxiang Museum, (2007-2012,  Completed)

[6]. Hubei, Zhongxiang Gym, (2009-2011,  Completed)

[7]. Hunan, Shennong Grand Theater and  Shennong Museum Design Competition, (2010)

[8]. Zhejiang, Linhai East District Municipal  Hall, (2010- )

[9]. Jiangxi, Ganzhou Exhibition and Conference Center Programming Design, (2009)

[10].Inner Mongolia, Yiqi Grand Theater Design  Competition, (2008)

[11].Sichuan Business Vocational College  (2006-2008, Completed)

[12].Beijing, Xinlin Beijing Opera Club Scheme  Design, (2007)

[13].Beijing, National Museum of Oversea  Chinese Design Competition, (2006)

[14].Changzhou Grand Theater Design  Competition, (2005)

[15].Sichuan, Ziyang Middle School,  (2003-2005, Completed)

[16].Chongqing, Cathay Traditional Opera House  Design Competition, (2004)

[17].Beijing, New Auditorium of Tsinghua  University, (2004-2007)

[18].Beijing, Beijing Foreign Language School,  (2002-2004, Completed)

[19].Beijing, National Grand Theater Design  Competition of China (1997-1999)

[20].Beijing, Renovation Design Scheme of Hall  of Cherishing Benevolence ( Huairentang), (1998)




Architectural Design Studio 1(for 1st Year  Undergraduate, 10 students, autumn) (1994- )

Architectural Design Studio 2(for 1st Year  Undergraduate, 10 students, spring) (1994- )

Architectural Design  Tectonics Studio (for 3rd Year Undergraduate, 10 students, spring)  (2003-2004)

Architectural Design Studio 7(for 4th Year  Undergraduate, 10 students in spring) (2008- )

Architectural Design Studio 9(for 5th Year  Undergraduate, 10 students in spring) (2008- )

“Architecture Basic 1” (Lecture for 1st Year  Undergraduate, 90 students in autumn) (2007- )



Harvard-Tsinghua Joint Studio. (2010)



[1]. The 2012 annual awards (The First Prize)  for excellence of book of China Architecture & Building Press

[2]. Award of National Excellent Design, 3rd  Prize, by China Exploration and Design Association (CEDA) (2009)

[3]. Architectural Design Award, 2nd Prize, by  Ministry of Education 2009

[4]. First Prize of ASA (Acoustical Society of  America) Student International Theater Design Competition 2010.  Acoustics adviser: Yan Xiang, Architecture adviser: Lu Xiangdong

[5]. Honor of “Contemporary Outstanding Young  Architects of China”, by Architecture and Culture Society of China,  Architectural Society of China. (2009)

[6]. Outstanding Work Adviser Award, the 9th  (2010) National Architecture Student’S Works Competition. Adviser: Lu  Xiangdong, Liu Nianxiong.

[7]. Outstanding Work Adviser Award, the 6th  (2007) National Architecture Students’ Works Competition. Adviser: Xu  Maoyan, Xu Weiguo, Lu Xiangdong, Zhou Zhengnan.

[8]. Outstanding Work Adviser Award, the 3th  (2004) National Architecture Students’ Works Competition. Adviser: Lu  Xiangdong, Xu Weiguo.

[9]. Award of Outstanding Achievements in  Teaching Work, 2nd Prize, Tsinghua University, (1998)

[10].Excellent Teacher Prize, Tsinghua  University, 1997

[11].Excellent Teacher Prize, Tsinghua  University, 1995




Member of Architectural Society of China.

Member of China Entertainment Technology  Association



The 8th China International Entertainment  Equipment and Technology Forum-Development of China Contemporary  Theater. (2010)

The10th China International Entertainment  Equipment and Technology Forum- the Status and Development of Performing  Venues Construction. (2012)



Journal papers

[1].Lu Xiangdong.  Research on the history of “品”form stage(Cross Stage) theater in our  country introduced from German. Art Science & Technology, 2005(03)

[2].Xu Weiguo, Lu Xiangdong. Towards New  Architecture Design Studio. New Architecture, 2005(03)

[3].Lu Xiangdong, the Early History of Western  Style Theaters First Introduced into China, World Architecture, 2005(11)

[4].Lu Xiangdong. History and Its Influence of  PLA Grand Theater Design Scheme by Tsinghua Team in the Late 1950th.   Architecture History, (22)

[5].Lu Xiangdong. Trends Toward Theater for  Chinese early Hall and its Impact, Art Science & Technology, 2005(04)

[6].Lu Xiangdong. A Study of the Symbolic of  Theaters in China, Urban and Architecture, 2010(9)

[7].Lu Xiangdong, Zheng Shenglan. Framing  about Building Domestic Theaters POE. Entertainment Technology, 2010(6)

[8].Guest Editor. Urban and Architecture,  2010(12)

[9].Zhang Shitong, Lu Xiangdong. Research into  the evolution of contemporary architectural conception of technology in  our country. Urban and Architecture, 2009(4)

[10].Lu Xiangdong. Technology Expression in  Architectural Design. Urban and Architecture, 2009(04)

[11].Lu Xiangdong. On Recent 60 Years History  of Chinese Theater, NCPA, 2009(07)

[12].Toshiro Ogawa, Translated by Lu Xiangdong.  Revisiting Modern Theater Engineering. World Architecture 2010(07)

[13].Lu Xiangdong. On China’s Grand Theater  Era. World Architecture, 2011(01)

[14].Shan Jun, Lu Xiangdong. Ming Dynasty  Emperor’s Museum. Community Design, 2011(02)

[15].Shan Jun, Lu Xiangdong. Zhongxiang  Museum & Ming Dynasty Emperors' Museum. UED, 2011(z2)

[16].Xu Shaohui, Lu Xiangdong. A primary  study of parameterized visual design for theater auditorium,  Entertainment Technology, 2011(05)

[17] Lu Xiangdong. Grand Theater Trend—the  Position and View of Chinese Modern Theater. Minax, 2011(03),

[18].Lu Xiangdong. A Revision of Chinese  Contemporary Theaters. Modern Decoration, 2012(04)

[19].Lu Xiangdong. Building Dual Values of  Chinese Modern Theater Culture. Urban and Architecture, 2012(06)

[20].Guest Editor. Architecture Technique,  2012(04)

[21].Lu Xiangdong. From Cognition to Practice:  A Study on the Development of Western Theaters in China in the Late Qing  Dynasty and the Early Republic Period. Architecture Technique, 2012(04)

[22].Shan Jun, Lu Xiangdong, Wang Xin. Between  Mountain and Water- Zhongxiang Museum & Ming Dynasty Emperors' Museum.  Interior Designer, Vol.36

[23].Shan Jun, Lu Xiangdong, Wang Xin.  Zhongxiang Museum & Ming Dynasty Emperors' Museum. Architecture Journal,  2012(11)



[1]. Tian  Xuezhe, Yu Jingzhi, Guo Xun, Lu Xiangdong. The First Step of  Architecture Learning (2nd Edition). Beijing : China  Architecture & Building Pr., 1996

[2]. Tian  Xuezhe, Yu Jingzhi, Guo Xun, Lu Xiangdong. The First Step of  Architecture Learning (3rd Edition). Beijing : China  Architecture & Building Pr., 2010

[3]. Tian  Xuezhe, Yu Jingzhi, Guo Xun, Lu Xiangdong. An Analysis on Form  Construction. Beijing : China Architecture & Building Pr., 2005

[4]. Guo  Xun, Yu Jingzhi, Lu Xiangdong, Liu Nianxiong. Selected Students’ Work of  Tsinghua University Architecture School. Beijing: Tsinghua University  Pr., 2006

[5]. Lu  Xiangdong, on the Evolution of Modern Theaters in China. Beijing: China  Architecture & Building Pr., 2009

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