
LIU Yishi
E-mail: [email protected]

   Work Experience

Dec 2019~    Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

2017~2019   Assistant  Professor,  School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

2014~2016   Lecturer, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

2012~2014   Post-doc, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University



2011  Ph.D., Department  of Architecture, the University of California at Berkeley (USA)

2006   M. Eng.,  School of Architecture, Tsinghua University (Beijing, China)

Area of  Research: history of modern Chinese architecture and urbanism

Thesis  title: A Historical Study on the Evolution of  Changchun City

2003   B. Arch.,  Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Wuhan, China)



• Yishi Liu. A History of Modern Chinese Architecture. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2019.

• Zhang Fuhe and Yishi Liu. The Study and Preservation  of Modern Chinese Architecture (Vol. 10)Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2016.

• Zhang Fuhe and Yishi Liu. The Study and Preservation  of Modern Chinese Architecture (Vol. 9)Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2014.

• Yishi Liu, Fan Xue, et al (ed.). A History of the Architectural  Society of China in the Past 60 Years.  Beijing: Architectural  Industry Press, 2013.


English Journal Papers

Yishi Liu. Architectural  Technology in Modern China from a Global View (Guest Editor). Frontiers of Architectural Research. 2014(3): 79-80.

Yishi Liu. Building  Guastavino dome in China: A historical survey of the dome of the  Auditorium at Tsinghua University. Frontiers of Architectural  Research. 2014(3): 121–140.

Yishi Liu. A Chronology of the Development of the Field of Modern  Chinese Architectural History, 1986-2012. Frontier of Architectural  Research. 2013/2 (Vol 2 No.2): 191-208.

Yishi Liu.  “Constructing Ethnicity: Making and Remaking Korean-Chinese  Rural Houses in Yanbian, 1881-2008,” Traditional Dwellings and  Settlements Review, (Fall 2009): 67-82


Chinese Journal Papers

• Yishi Liu. A Study on the Global Garden City Movement in the First Half of the Twentieth Century (Part I): Garden City Research and the Origins and Developments of the Movement in Britain. World Architecture. 2019/12: 120-125.

• Yishi Liu. A Study on the Global Garden City Movement in the First Half of the Twentieth Century (Part II): Transmissions, Adaptions and Innovations of the Movement in the World. World Architecture. 2019/11: 112-116.

• Yishi Liu. A Retrospect of the Planning and Construction Experiment of a People’s Commune in Xushui in 1958: Rural Construction by the Department of Architecture of Tsinghua University in the Great Leap Forward. Times+Architecture. 2019/6: 138-145.

• Yishi Liu. “A Case Study of the Competition for Commemorative Monument to the Victory of Playa Girón in 1963: With Reflections on Chinese Architectural Production and International Exchange in the 1960s”. Architectural Journal . 2019/8: 88-95.

• Yishi Liu. “Magnificent, Beautiful and Modern: Replanning Tiananmen Square and Chang'an Avenue in Beijing in 1964” Beijing Planning and Construction, 2019/5: 59-69.

• Yishi Liu. “A Study on the Garden City Movement in the Non-Western World in the First Half of the Twentieth Century”. Urban Planning Forum. 2019/2: 109-118.

• Yishi Liu. “People’s Fairland: A History of the Making of Tairanting Park in Beijing, 1952-1966”. Architectural Creation. 2018/12:111-117.

• Yishi Liu. “Selected Materials of Interviews on the Development of Tsinghua Architectural Design Institute”. World Architecture. 2018/12:111-117.

• Yishi Liu. “A General Survey on the Categories and Uses of Materials for Modern Chinese Architectural Historical Research”. Architectural Journal . 2018/11:58-65.

• Yishi Liu. “A Study on the Establishment and Early Development of Tsinghua Architectural Design Institute”. Design Community  . 2018/5: 143-150.

• Yishi Liu. “From Private to State-Owned: The Establishment, Development and Liquidation of the Department of Architectural and Engineering Design of Beijing Xingye Investment Company in the 1950s”. Time+Architecture. 2018/5: 28-33.

Yishi Liu. Socialist  Recreational Space: A Preliminary Study on Newly-Built Public Parks in  Beijing in the Early 1950s.  New Architecture. 2017/5:35-41.

Yishi Liu. Rethinking Peace  Hotel: Thoughts on Research of Modern Architectural History in Beijing  after 1949.  Architectural Journal. 2017/5:74-80.

Yishi Liu.  Selected Historical Materials of Yongmao Architectural Company (Part  III): Citizenry Forging and State Building. Architectural Creation.  2017/4: 74-79.

Yishi Liu.  Selected Historical Materials of Yongmao Architectural Company (Part  II): Cultural and Institutional Identity, 1949-1952. Architectural  Creation. 2017/4: 66-73.

Yishi Liu. Rethinking Peace  Hotel: Thoughts on Research of Modern Architectural History in Beijing  after 1949. Architect.  2017/5:91-100.

Yishi Liu. A Preliminary Study  on the Hotel Architecture in Beijing in the Early 1950s.  Architect. 2017/5:91-100.

Yishi Liu. Nation Building and  Representation: Constructing the Cultural Palace of Nationalities and  the Hotel of Nationalities.  Architectural Creation. 2017/4:6-36.

Yishi Liu.  Selected Historical Materials of Yongmao Architectural Company (Part I):  Establishment and Development of the Institution, 1949-1952. Architectural Creation. 2017/4: 240-246.

Yishi Liu.  Intellectual Origins of the Garden City Idea. Urban Planning Review.  2017/4: 20-29.

Yishi  Liu. A Critical Review of Historical Research on Henry K. Murphy: A Case  Study of College of Yale-in-China and School of Oberlin-in-Shansi. Architectural Journal. 2017/7: 67-74.

Yishi  Liu. Murphy & Dana and the Campus Planning and Architectural Design of  Loomis Institute in Connecticut. Architect. 2017/3: 33-42.

Yishi  Liu.  A Study of Road-Section Design Standard and Technologies in Modern  China: An Example of Historical Research of Modern Chinese Architecture  Across 1949. New Architecture. 2016/5: 11-17.

Yishi  Liu.  A Review of the 100th Anniversary of Professor Wang Tan. Huazhong  Architecture. 2016/6: 179-180.

Yishi Liu. The  Formation, Practice and Impact of Hexagonal Planning Theories Originated  in the West Since the Late Nineteenth Century. Journal of International  Urban Planning. 2016/3: 78-90.

Yishi Liu.  House and Nation (Part II): A Comparative Study on the Historic  Preservation of Three Houses of American Founding Fathers in Virginia. World Architecture. 2016/7: 118-123.

Yishi Liu.  House and Nation (Part I): Intellectual Origins of the Building and  Rebuilding of Mt. Vernon and Monticello. World Architecture. 2016/6:  118-123.

Yishi Liu.  A Preliminary Study on the Rise and Popularization of  Roadside Tree Planting in Republic China. Landscape Architecture. 2016/4: 80-87.

Yishi Liu.  The Formation and Diffusion of the Idea of Lawn on a  Global Scale (Part II): Introduction and Development in Africa and Asia. Landscape  Architecture. 2016/3: 92-99.

Yishi Liu.  The Formation and Diffusion of the Idea of Lawn on a  Global Scale (Part I):Origins and Developments in the West. Landscape Architecture. 2016/2: 94-101.

Yishi Liu.  Emerging China-Based Scholars and the Theoretical Explorations and  Prospective Trends of the Research on Modern Chinese Architectural  History. Time Architecture. 2016/1:37-45.

Yishi Liu. More than  Mortar and Bricks: Making and Remaking of the Main Street of  Charlottesville, Virginia,1950-2010.. Journal of International Urban Planning. 2015/5:67-75.

Yishi Liu. A Study on the Intellectual Origins of Xinjing Plan of  Manchukuo. Review of Urban Planning. 2015/4: 99-110.

Yishi Liu. The Review of Foreign Architects and Architectural Firms in  China since 1840. Urban Environmental Design. 2015/6+7:320-329.

Yishi Liu. The Formation and Characteristics of Oberlin-in-Shansi  School, 1909-1937. Chinese Landscape Architecture. 2015/7: 73-77.

Yishi Liu. Frontier, Fringe and Borderline: the Current Situations and  Prospective Trends of the Study of Modern Chinese Architectural History. Architectural Journal. 2015/6: 63-67.

Yishi Liu. A Brief History of the Architectural Society of China in the  Past 60 Years: An Institutional Study. New Architecture. 2015/2: 142-147.

Yishi Liu. The Formation and Characteristics of Tsinghua College.  Landscape Architecture. 2015/3: 87-93.

Yishi Liu. “Book Review of Architecture from 1400”. Architectural Journal, 2014/12: 113-115.

Yishi Liu. “The Initial Stage of Architectural Journalism of the PRC”. Architect, 2014/6,  Vol.  172: 99-107

Yishi Liu. “A Collection of Historical Materials of the Early  Construction of Tsinghua College”. Architectural History, Vol.  34, 2014/2:164-186.

Yishi Liu. “The Inauguration of Architectural Journal”. Architectural Journal, 2014/9-10: 68-73.

Yishi Liu. “60 Years of the Journal of Architecture”. Architecture. 2014/19:  18-23.

Yishi Liu. “A Historical Survey of the Campus Design and Architecture of  Oberlin-in-Shansi School,”. Southern Architecture,  2014/4: 116-123.

Yishi Liu. “A Historical Survey of Structural Form and Construction  Techniques of the Tsinghua Dome,”. Architectural Journal, 2013/11: 32-37.

Yishi Liu. “Colonialism and A New Approach to Modern Chinese  Architectural History,”. Architectural Journal, 2013/9: 8-15.

Yishi Liu. “A Critical Review of Leon Hoa's Planning and Architectural  Thoughts,”. Architectural Journal, 2013(2): 15-21.

Yishi Liu. “Teaching Modern Chinese Architectural History in China:  Review and Retrospect,”. New Architecture.  2013/1:22-27.

Yishi Liu. “The Characteristics of Modern Chinese Architecture”. Architect.  2012/6, Vol. 160: 59-62.

Yishi Liu. “The Main Thread and Periodication of Modern Chinese  Architectural History,” Architectural Journal,  2012(10): 70-75.

Yishi Liu. “The 1937 Ceremony of the Completion of Manchukuo's Capital  Construction,” New Architecture.  2012/5:27-32.

Yishi Liu. “The Formation and Characteristics of Changchun City,  1900-1957,”. Southern Architecture.  2012/5:66-73.

Yishi Liu. “Categorization and Distribution of Verandah Style  Architecture in China,” Southern Architecture. 2011/2:42-49.

Yishi Liu. “Modern, Chinese, Architectural History: the Field and its  Development,” Architectural Journal.  2010/6:1-5.

Yishi Liu and Fuhe Zhang. “Modernism in  Changchun City in the 1930s”, New Architecture, 2006/5:59-62.

Yishi Liu and Fuhe Zhang.  “Periodization of the Development of Changchun City from 1900”, Architectural History, Vol. II, (October 2006):215-228.、

Yishi Liu. “Nationalism: An  Approach to Understanding Modern Architecture in the National Chinese  Style”, Huazhong Architecture,  2006/1:5-8.

Yishi Liu et al.  “Architectural Criticism: Voice from Future Architects”. Art Observation.  2005/4: 15-17.

Yishi Liu. “The Distribution of  Watchtower-Like Folk Houses Throughout China and Their Features,”. Architectural Journal, 2004/9: 52-54.

Conference Papers and Invited Lectures

• Yishi  Liu.  “A Thin Concrete Shell: Chinese Modern Architecture and  Conservation on the Tsinghua Campus 1910-1930,” Proceeding of the  Technology in Modern East Asia Workshop, Cambrige,  UK, May 2016

• Yishi  Liu.  “Critical Utopia: the Making of University Town in Guangzhou,  2002-2009,” Proceeding of the 12th International Study of  Traditional Environments (IASTE) Conference, Beirut, Lebanon, December  2010

• Yishi  Liu.  “Other Modernities: Rise of A Japanese Colonial Capital City,  1932-1937,” Proceeding of the 11th International Study of  Traditional Environments (IASTE) Conference, Oxford, UK, December 2008

Yishi Liu.  “Modern Chinese Urban History in an International Context”,  in the Proceeding of the Fourth International Conference on Chinese  Architectural History, pp. 157-163,  June 2007

Yishi Liu.  “Hidden Discourse: A Trans-lingual Study in Architectural  Communication Between East and West”, in Proceedings of the Fourth  Modern Asian Architecture Network International Conference,  Shanghai, pp. 329-333, October 2004

Yishi Liu.  “The Ecological Idea of Confucianism and Its Significance in  City Design”, in Proceedings of the 2002 Seoul International  Conference on East Asian Architectural History: Traditional Architecture  in modern Asia, collected at Urbanism and Landscape section, Seoul,  Korea, October 2002, pp.629-638, October 2002

Yishi Liu.  “The Guidance that Confucian Humanity Can Offer  Modern Architecture and City Design in Housing” in Proceedings of the  46th International Federation of Housing and Planning Conference,  Tianjin, China, September 2002

Yishi Liu.  “The Achievements of Art and Mathematics in ‘Ying Zao Fa  Shi’”, in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on  Mathematics Education and Cultural History of Mathematics in this  Information-Oriented Society, Kyoto, Japan, July 2002, pp.  161-164


• Invited to  the 74th Annual Meeting of Association of Asian Studies to  give a presentation titled “Spatial Production and Reproduction of the  First Automobile Works in Changchun, 1953-1957,” Philadelphia, March  2014

• Invited to  give a talk titled “A Comparative Study of Campus Planning of University  of Virginia and Tsinghua University,” Charlottesville, Virginia,  November 2012

• Invited to  the 70th Annual Meeting of Association of Asian Studies to  give a presentation titled “Idiosyncrasies of Japanese Colonial Rule in  the Urban Construction of Changchun,” Honolulu, Haiwaii, April 2011

Invited to the Engaging in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage  Symposium to give a presentation titled “In Between Theory and Practice:  Preservation of Built Environment in Contemporary China,” University of  Texas, Austin, September 2010

Invited to the Twelfth International Conference on Modern History of  Chinese Architecture to give a keynote speech on verandah style  architecture and development of modern Chinese architectural history,  sponsored by Tsinghua University, Beijing China, July 2010

Invited to International Association for the Study of Traditional  Environments 2008 Conference "Interrogating Tradition," Oxford, UK,  December 2008

Invited to the Eleventh International Conference on Modern History of  Chinese Architecture, sponsored by Tsinghua University and People’s  Municipality of Kunming, Kunming China, July 2008

Invited to the fourth International Conference on Chinese Architecture  History, sponsored by Shanghai People’s Municipality and Tongji  University, Shanghai, June 2007

Invited to the tenth Seminar of Modern Chinese Architectural History to  give a presentation on “A Study on the Typology of Modern Chinese City  Planning and Architectural Styles,” Beihai, China, July 2006

Invited to the fourth modern Asian Architecture Network International  Conference to give a presentation on “Hidden Discourse: A Trans-lingual  Study in Architectural Communication between the West and East”, Tongji  University, Shanghai, October 2004

Invited to the ninth Seminar of Modern Chinese Architectural History to  give a presentation on “The Distribution of Watchtower-like Folk Houses  throughout China and Their Features,” Kaiping, Guangdong, July 2004

Invited to the 46th International Federation of Housing and Planning  Conference in Tianjin, China, September 2002

Invited to the Third International Conference on Mathematics Education  and Cultural History of Mathematics, Kyoto, Japan, July 2002


Grants and Awards

• Research Stipend, Dumbarton Oaks Museum and Gardens, USA, 2019, US$3000.

• GAHTC grant, Mellon Foundation, 2018, workshop and lectures in CEPT, Ahmedabad, India

            • The Rockefeller Archive Center Research Stipend, USA, January 2019, US$5000.

 National Scientific Funding of China, Surface Project, 2018~2021,  project of "Institutions,  Buildings and Professionals: A Study on Modern Architectural  History of Beijing from an Institutional Perspective,  1949-1966", RMB610,000 (US$87,142)

 National Scientific Funding of China, Youth Project, 2014~2016, project  of "Comparative colonialism and a new approach to the study of modern  Chinese architectural history", RMB250,000 (US$35,714)

• Small Grant for Faculty Members, the Council of China and Inner Asia of the Association for Asian Studies, 2014~2015, US$2000.

National Post-doc Research Funding of China, 2012~2013, project of  "Japanese colonialism and colonial urbanity in the East Asian context", RMB50,000 (US$7,142)

Elvera Lim Fellowship, 2008-09, Center for Chinese Studies, University  of California at Berkeley, US$10,000

Academy of Korean Studies Stipends, 2007-10, Academy of Korean Studies,  Seoul Korea

Spiro Kostof Fellowship, 2006, Department of Architecture, University of  California at Berkeley

DuPont Fellowship, 2005, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

• First Prize for  Excellent Scientific Research Results of Hubei Province in the annual  competition, 2002, due to a collective of the papers on architectural  history and theory research, awarded by Educational Bureau of Hubei  Province

Courses Taught

• Modern Chinese Architectural History, since 2012

• History of the Global Built Environment (School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Peking University, 2015)

• Studios (undergraduate First-year, Third-year and fourth-year classes, with a focus on preservation, renovation and urban regeneration), since 2014

            • Field measuring and surveying of modern Chinese architecture 

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