
LIU Boying
Tel: 86-10-82527886-688 13901100996
Fax: 86-10-82527991
E-mail: [email protected]


City  Regeneration/Conservation and Renovation of Historical and Cultural  Districts/ Protection and Renewal of Industrial Heritage

Design of  Public Building



Doctor Degree  of Engineering, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, 2006

Master Degree  of Architecture, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, 1989

Bachelor  Degree of Architecture, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University,  1987



School of  Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Architect  (09/1991-09/1997)/Associate Professor (09/1997-present)/Class 1 Registed  Architect (09/1997-present)

General Manage  of Beijing Tsinghua University Architecture Design & Consultation Co.,  ltd. (03/1995-present)




1.  Beijing Cooking Plant  Industry Heritage Conservation and Reuse Planning (the first prize of  international competition)

2.   Conservation and Reuse  Planning Project of Earthquake Industrial Heritage in Orient Steam-tight  Hanwang, Mianzhu, Sichuan Province

3.   Conservation and Reuse  Planning Project of Earthquake Industrial Heritage and Memory Square of  Earthquake Relief Work in Chuanxindian, Shifang, Sichuan Province

4.  The Concept Scheme of  Reuse of Oil Storage Tank in Beijing 751 Plant

5.  Beijing No.2 Textile Mill  Cultural Creative Industry Park Planning

6.  Theatre Design in Sichuan  Conservatory of Music


7.  The Research of Beijing  Central City 1-18 District Industry Land Integral Reuse

8.  The Investigation,  Conservation and Renewal of Beijing Central City Industry Resource

9.   The Study and Urban  Planning of Tongzhou Water-front District Development

10.  Zhongguancun Digital  Television Industry Park Planning

11.  Beijing Coloured Glaze  River Cement Plant Diggings Concept Planning

12.  Conservation and  Renovation of Historical and Cultural District in Chengdu Well Workshop

13.  The Landscape Design of  Chengdu Kuan-zhai Lane Historical and Cultural District

14.  Inner Mongolia  Agricultural University Campus Planning


15.  The Investigation &  Analysis of Shougang Industry Resource, Beijing

16.  The Investigation &  Analysis of Beijing Cooking Plant Industry Heritage Resource and Urban  Planning

17.  The Planning of Beijing  Creative Industry Development

18.  The Implement Opinions of  Beijing Historic Industry Buildings Conservation and Creative Industry  Development

19.  "Hollywood" in Huairou  District of Beijing, China




Theatre Design  (11 students in spring)



2007: One  Project Win the second prize Award of Ministry of Education of P.R.China

One Project  Win the third prize Award of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural  Development of P.R.China

2006: One  Project Win The 4th Architecture Creation Award of Architectural Society  of China

2005: One  Project Win The Gold Metal Award of national excellent Architecture  design

One Project  Win the First Prize Award of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural  Development of P.R.China

One Project  Win the Third Prize Award of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural  Development of P.R.China

2004: Three  Projects Win the Second Prize Award of Ministry of Education of  P.R.China

1998: Two  Projects Win the Excellent Architecture design Award of Ministry of  Housing and Urban-Rural Development/The Ministry of Science and  Technology of P.R.China




International  Academic Conference of Chinese Modern Industrial Building Heritage,  Fujian, China, 2008

Social organization

Executive  Member of Council of Beijing Planning Review Magazine



Journal papers

1.  Industry Archaeology: The  Research Method of Beijing Industry Heritage

2.  Research in Urban and  Regional Planning, 2008.12.

3.  The Evaluation Method of  Beijing Industry Heritage

4.  Journal of Architecture,  2008.12.

5. The Study of Beijing  Cooking Plant Industry Heritage Resource Conservation and Reuse Urban  Planning

6.  Beijing Planning Review,  2007.2

7. The Leading Edge of  Ecology Regeneration- The Ecology Measures of Ruhr in Germany

8.  Urban Environment Design,  2007.5

9.  Different Types of the  Renewal of Urban Industrial Sites

10.  Journal of Architecture,  2006.8.

11.  Formation of Industrial  Heritage and Method of Value Evaluation

12.  Architectural Creation,  2006.9.

13.  Study on Preservation and  Re-usage of Industrial Heritage Resource in Capital Steel Industrial  District

14.  Architectural Creation,  2006.9.

15.  Beijing Huairou Urban  Planning

16.  Beijing Planning Review,  2006.6.

17.  The Think of Beijing  Industry Heritage Resource Conservation and Reuse- take Shougang as  example

18.  Beijing Planning Review,  2006.2.

19.  New Remark on Arcology

20.  Urbanism and Architecture,  2005.10.

21.  The Globalization Thoughts  and Architecture Theory Development

22.  Huazhong Architecture,  1999.3.

23.  Cultural Colonialism, New  Colonialism and Post-colonialism

24.  New Architecture, 1999.6.

25.  Mixed-use Center Design  and Development

26.  World Architecture,  1991.4.

Selected conference proceedings

1.   The Study on Beijing  Industry Development History

2.   Conference Proceedings of  International Academic Conference of Chinese Modern Industrial Building  Heritage, Fujian, China, 2008

3.   The Study on Beijing  Industry Historic sites Conservation, Reuse and Regeneration- take  Beijing Cooking Plant as example

4.  Conference Proceedings of  International Academic Conference of Chinese Modern Industrial Building  Heritage, Fujian, China, 2008

5.   The Summarize of Industry  Heritage Conservation and Industry Heritage Travel in U.K.

6.   Conference Proceedings of  International Academic Conference of Chinese Modern Industrial Building  Heritage, Fujian, China, 2008

7.   The Conservation Strategy  and Technology of Chengdu Kuan-zhai Lane Historical and Cultural  District, 2008.10.

8.  The History and Theory of  Architecture-2008 Conference Proceedings of Architecture History  Research, 2008.10.

9.    The Ecology Remediation of  Urban Contaminated Industry Land

10. The 3rd International  Intelligent and Green Architecture Conference Proceedings, 2007.3.


The Foot of Great Wall, the Families of GUANDI-Thinking about Implement  of New Village Construction in Beijing Huairou GUANDI Village

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