
HE Congrong
Tel: 86-10-62794763
Fax: 86-10-62770314
E-mail: [email protected]


Research on  history and theory of Chinese architecture

Measuring on  historical Chinese Architecture

Design on  historical Chinese Architecture



Philosophy  Doctor in Architecture, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University,  2002.08-2008.07

Master in  Architecture, School of Architecture, Southeast University,  1995.08-1998.07

Bachelor in  Architecture, School of Architecture, Southeast University,  1990.08-1995.07



Lecturer  (08/2002-present), School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing,  China



Project on  vernacular architecture supported by National 985 Educate Foundation, in  charge of the project of AN ZHEN BAO of FUJIAN Province (12/00-5/02)

Chen Zhihua  (Professor), LouQingxi (Professor), LiQiuxiang (Engineer)

I was in  charge of research and documentation on architecture and book writing.

Project  supported by the National Science Foundation for “Research on land law  in ancient Chinese cities and its influence on residential houses”

WangGuixiang  (Professor) (2004-2006, project code: 50378046)

I was the  second, in charge of a sub-project “the land law of Sui-Tang Chang’an  and the influence on residential houses”

Project  supported by the National Science Foundation for “Research on the  degree, scale, and structure of Chinese cities in Ming dynasty”

WangGuixiang  (Professor) (2008-2010, project code: 50778093)

I was the  second, in charge of a sub-project

Project  supported by HuaRun Company for “publish on Chinese architecture  history” (2008-2013)

WangGuixiang  (Professor), etc

I was in  charge of management, planning and book writing

Rebuilt design  of central temple in Tsangpo Village of Nanxi River of Zhejiang Province  (2000)

I was in  charge of research and design

Overall  planning of Chinese garden of Shunfeng Mountain in Shunde City of  Guangdong Province (2002)

WangGuixiang  (Professor) Cong Rong He (Lecturer)

I was in  charge of design

Schematic  design of YaoYueTingFeng scenic area in Chinese garden of Shunfeng  Mountain in Shunde City of Guangdong Province (2003)

I was in  charge of the whole design

Conservation  documentation and design of Zhendu Gate and Zhao De Gate of the  Forbidden City (2003)03/4-10

I was in  charge of Zhendu Gate and Zhao De Gate.

Rebuilt design  of XuanDi Hall of Nanyan temple on Wudang Mountain in Hubei Province  (2003)

WangGuixiang  (Professor) He Cong Rong (Lecturer) BaiYing (Ph.D)

I was in  charge of design

Conservation  Planning of Mid-Capital Site of BoHai Country in Tang Dynasty, museum  designing (2003-2005)

FuQingyuan  (Professor-Engineer) WangGuixiang (Professor) He Cong Rong (Ph.D)  BaiYing (Ph.D) OuYangTianzhi (Graduated Student)

I was in  charge of the planning and design

Rebuilt design  of JingZhouBeiJie Street in Xiangfan City of Hubei Province (2005)

WangGuixiang  (Professor) He Cong Rong (Lecturer) Yuanlin (Graduated Student)

I was in  charge of design




Chinese  architecture History (90 students in spring)

Architectural  Design Studio (10 students in spring)

Measuring on  Historical Chinese architecture (15-20 students in summer)


Historical  Architectural Design (1-5 students in both spring and autumn)


Investigation  on Chinese Historical Architectural

Coordinate the  Tsinghua-Xinjiang Joint Program



Second Prize  in "An outstanding architecture award" by National Ministry of  Education, (2005) for the design of International Academic Exchange  Center in Northeast University, I’m the fifth designer

National Top  ten Conservation design and plan on Monuments and Sites, by China  Society for the Protection of Monuments and Sites (2005) for  Conservation documentation and design of the Halls beside Taihe Gate of  the Forbidden City. Collective award-winning




International  Conference on Paul Temple in Ningbo, 2003

Social organization

Member of  Association of Chinese architectural history

Academic  Committee of Yuanmingyuan Institute



Journal papers

1.   Cong Rong He,  Architectural Heritage and Conservation in Australia, WORLD  ARCHITECTURE(Vol.5)1999/5, P.16-20

2.   Cong Rong He, Meditation  into the modern-A review on the architectural design of contemporary  Chinese architect Cheng taining, the Artist,2000/2, P.292-303

3.   Cong Rong He, he village  composition, house style, and structure convention of Fujian Xihua,  Treatises on History of Architecture(Vol.16),2002/, P.145-154

4.   Cong Rong He, the  surveying of ZhenDuMen Gate in Forbidden City, Treatises on History of  Architecture,2003/3, P.228-238

5.   Cong Rong He, Comparison  of the Gridiron from the Pattern in Book of Diverse Crafts and the  Pattern in Hippodamus, ARCHITECTURAL JOURNAL, 2007/2, P.65-69

6.   Cong Rong He, Research of  the Land's Division in PingkangFang ward of Tang Chang'an, The Architect  (Vol.126),2007/4

7.   Cong Rong He, Have there  been 500 houses in XingDaoFang ward of Tang Chang’an, Treatises on  History of Architecture(Vol.24),2008/4

8.   Cong Rong He, the Cross  Street width in the Fang of Tang Chang’an Research-based on “Map of  Chang’an City” by Lv Dafang and Archaeological Information, Proceedings  of Chinese Academic Conference on History of Chinese  Architecture,2008(Vol.9),2008/9, P.182-188

9.   Cong Rong He, the  architectural modulus in “Ten Books of Architecture” and “Yingzaofashi”,  Treatises on History of Architecture(Vol.24),2009/2

10.  Cong Rong He, Discussion  on the scale of Officials’ houses Inside the wards of Chang’an in (Sui)Tang  dynasty, Manuscripts on Chinese architectural history(Vol.1), Tsinghua  University Press, 2009/2

11.  Cong Rong He, a research  on ancient architecture strict surveying, proceedings of international  conference in Baoguo Temple,Ningbo,2003/8, P.681-689

12.  Cong Rong He, the  evolvement of bell and drum towers in palace from (Sui)Tang to Yuan  dynasty, proceedings of international conference of East Asian  Architectural Culture,Nanjing,2004/11, P. 929-954

13.  Cong Rong He, the  evolvement of bell and drum towers in palace from (Sui)Tang to Yuan  dynasty, History and future of East Asian Architecture heritage,  international conference of East-Asian Architectural Culture, excellent  proceedings,Nanjing,2004, Southeast University Press

14.  Cong Rong He, Urban Land’s  Division into Blocks-A Comparison Between “Kao Gong Ji Pattern & Hippodamus Pattern,Proceedings  of the International Conference on East Asian Architectural Culture,  Kyoto 2006, P313-322

15.  Cong Rong He, Bai Ying,  study on rebuilt design of XuanDi Hall of Nanyan temple on Wudang  Montain, proceedings of Forum on Religious, architecture and Scenic  area, Beijing 2006. P95-108

16.  Cong Rong He, Study on  Ward’s Qu in Sui-Tang Chang’an, Proceedings of the International  Conference on Chinese Architecture History, Shanghai 2007. P 61-65

17.  Cong Rong He,  Classificated protection on the heritages of Traditional block,  Jingzhoubeijie Street in Xiangfan City as an example, proceedings of the  15th Conference on ChineseResidential architecture, Xi’an 2007

18.  Cong Rong He, Study on the  construction of digital system of teaching Chinese architecture  History,proceedings of international Conference 2007 on Architectural  Education, China Building Industry Press,2007

19.  Cong Rong He, Study on the  Lanes in the Wards of Sui-Tang Chang’an,[WhosEA2009  Conference],TAINAN,2009

Selected Books

Guixiang Wang,  Cong Rong He, Traditional Meeting Hall, Nanjing Arts Press, 2005

Zhihua Chen,  Cong Rong He, Anzhenbao Castal and Xihua Village in Fujian  Province,Tsinghua Univ. Press, 2007

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