
HAN Mengzhen
Tel: +86 10 6278 1321
Fax: +86 10 6277 0314
E-mail: [email protected]


Architecture Design

Generative approach of  Computer Simulation to aid Architecture design


Doctor of Engineering,  Architecture Department, Kyoto University, 2004

Master in Architecture,  School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, 2001

Bachelor in Architecture,  Architecture Department, Southeast University, 1998



Professor (12/2019-present) School  of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Associate Professor (12/2009-12/2019) School  of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Lecturer (3/2005-12/2009) School  of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China



Basic Research

Application of Generative  Computer Simulation in Layout Planning of Multistory Slab-Type  Collective Housing (supported by National Nature Science Foundation of  China), 01/2007–12/2009

Architecture Design

1. Museum  of Yangshao Culture, Yangshao, Henan Province, 06/2007-04/2013

2. No.  4 Teaching Building in Hainan University, Haikou, Hainan Province,  08/2005-09/2006

3. Beidouxing  International Hotel, Lushan, Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, 11/2004-01/2006

4. Teaching  Building, Administration Building, and Student Activity Center of Xian  Eurasia University, Xian, Shanxi Province, 12/2009-06/2010

5. Library,  Administration Building, and Student Activity Center of Xuzhou Institute  of Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, 09/2010-

6. Library  of Henan University of TCM, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, 01/2012-

7. Teaching  Building Cluster of Technology in Nankai University, Tianjin, 03/2011-

8. Teaching  Building Cluster of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zhengzhou  University, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, 10/2004–04/2006


1. Third Prize of 13th Excellent Project Design  in Beijing Award (Architecture Design of Building Cluster of Humanities  and Social Sciences in Zhengzhou University, 2007)

2. Second Prize of Excellent Project Design in  Hainan Province Award 2011 (Architecture Design of No.4 Teaching  Building in Hainan University, 2011)

3. First Prize of National Excellent Project  Design by China Exploration & Design Association (Architecture Design of  Hebei Museum, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, 2014)



Journal Papers

1. WANG  Qiguang, HAN Mengzhen, The Evolutions of College Library Space Designing  In The Information Age---Taking The Design of the Xuzhou Engineering  College Library As Example, HuaZhong Architecture, Accepted

2. WANG  Lang, HAN MengZhen, and YIN JinTao, Residents' Preference about Dwelling  Locations in Multi-Story Row House Cluster with Parallel Layout,  Community Studies,  2012.03, Vol.49, pp101-107

3. XING  Ke, HAN Mengzhen, Teaching Building of Various Schools in University  with Connecting Layout, HuaZhong Architecture, 2010.12, Vol.28, No.12,  pp55-57

4. HAN  Mengzhen, YIN JinTao, Investigation on Interior Living Conditions  Related with Dwelling Units’ Locations in Multi-Story Row House Cluster  with Parallel Layout---A Case Study of Heqingyuan Residential Quarter,  Beijing, China, Community Studies, 2009.06, Vol.40, pp90-94

5. HAN  Mengzhen, A Review of Development of Parallel Layout for Multi-Story Row  House Cluster, Community Studies, 2009.5, Vol.39, pp42-45

6. HAN  Mengzhen, GUAN Jingjing, An Introduction to Earthquake Prevention in  City Planning and Architecture Design in Japan, Community Studies2008.4Vol.32pp36-40

7. HAN  Mengzhen, Design of No.4 Teaching Building at Hainan  University---Exploration of Teaching Building with Local Characteristics  of Hainan Province, Urbanism and Architecture, 2008.3No.42pp70-71

8. Mengzhen  HAN, Junzo MUNEMOTO, and Daisuke MATSUSHITA, A Study on Preference of  View from Dwelling Units in MRHC with Composition Division of CG Images,  Journal of Architecture Planning and Environmental Engineering, AIJ,  No.588, pp1-8, 2005

9.  Mengzhen  HAN, Junzo MUNEMOTO, and Daisuke MATSUSHITA, Optimizing Parallel Layout  of MRHC to Improve Quality of Views from Dwelling Units with Genetic  Algorithm, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, AIJ,  AIK, and ASC, Vol.3, No.2, pp341-347, 2004

10. Mengzhen  HAN, Junzo MUNEMOTO, and Daisuke MATSUSHITA, Emergence of a Parallel  Layout Arising from User's Pursuits of Better Living Conditions of Their  Dwelling Units in MRHC with MAS, Journal of Asian Architecture and  Building Engineering, AIJ, Vol.3, No.1, pp.149-156, May 2004

11. Mengzhen  HAN, Junzo MUNEMOTO, and Daisuke MATSUSHITA, Relation between People’s  Evaluations on Living Conditions and Plan Locations of Dwelling Units in  MFRHC with Parallel Layout in Beijing, Journal of Asian Architecture and  Building Engineering, AIJ, Vol.2, No.2, pp.95-102, November 2003

12. HAN  Mengzhen, Expression of Local Characteristics in Campus  Building---Design of No.2 Teaching Building in Hainan University, South  Architecture, 2001.1, pp89-91

Conference Proceedings

1. HAN  Mengzhen, AutoCAD Plug-in for Generating Parallel Layout of Multi-Story  Row House Cluster to Improve Sunshine Hour of Dwelling Units,  Proceedings of the 6th National Conference of Digital Technologies in  Architectural Education, 2011.08, pp31-35

2. HAN  Mengzhen, Generating Parallel Layout with Genetic Algorithm to Improve  Sunshine Hours of Dwelling Units in Multi-story Row House Cluster,  Proceedings of the 5th National Conference of Digital Technologies in  Architectural Education, 2010.8, pp179-184

3. HAN  Mengzhen, Application of Generative Computer Simulation Method in Aiding  Solving Intelligent Problems in Architectural Design, Proceedings of the  3rd National Conference of Digital Technologies in Architectural  Education, 2008.10, pp81-84

4. Mengzhen  HAN, Junzo MUNEMOTO, and Daisuke MATSUSHITA, Optimization of Parallel  Layout of MRHC to Improve View Quality of Dwelling Units, Summaries of  Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan  2004, AIJ, Vol. E-1, pp.1107-1108, 2004

5. Mengzhen  HAN, Junzo MUNEMOTO, and Daisuke MATSUSHITA, Evaluations of Dwelling  Units’ Living Conditions in Multi-Floor Row House Cluster With Parallel  Layout by Using Models---Result of Date Analysis with Multiple Logistic  Regression Method, Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting  Architectural Institute of Japan 2003, AIJ, Vol. E-2, pp.491-492, 2003


Mengzhen HAN, Zao LI, Jianlong ZHANG, Tong  ZHANG, Zhen XU, Dongzhu CHU, Qingping LUO, Zuo WANG, Qiming CHENG, Focus  on the Village Renewal of Jicun: Works of 8+1 Joint Thesis Design 2014,  China Building Industry Press


Mengzhen HAN, Fulin WANG, Jingjing GUAN, liwei  ZHANG, Bijun CHEN, Kansei Design Engineering in Urban Planning and  Architecture Design <都市·建築の感性デザイン工学(In Japanese)>, China Building  Industry Press

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